Chapter 19

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everything went black...

Camerons POV

I saw grace running, she was as white as a ghost and a guy was chasing her in a towel screaming he was gonna hurt her with the fire extinguisher, I started running towards the guy when Grace passed out, so i ran to her instead, and Hayes and G were yelling at the guy.

We called security to get the guy and called 911 for Grace, all the boys came down and we were sitting there waiting for the ambulance, I heard it so i picked Gracie up and right when i lifted her head, the floor below it was covered with blood.

I looked where she fell and realized that she mustve hit her head of the edge of the railing, as soon as i picked her up, here eyes opened. I knew she was gonna be okay, im just hopping she didnt loose too much blood.

"C-Cam..." Grace said and then rubbed the back of her head, and winced in pain, "Where are we?"

"Were getting in the ambulance, your gona be okay" I said back, then we drove to the hospital

Hayes POV

As soon as Cameron picked her up and I saw that blood I wanted to kill that guy that caused this. I begged to drive in the ambulance but they said only one person so it was only right for Cameron to go, we all got into Taylors and Matts car and followed them there.

We got the hospital and I saw them rolling Grace back, and Cameron sitting there looking pissed, so I walked up to him.

"Im pissed, if I see that guy again, he's gonna pay, Grace has been through enough this summer, yeah im happy that shes fine and only needs stitches but ugh." Cameron said.

Then I saw G come through the door carrying Kayla, "Shhh, Kay, shes fine, she only needs stitches." I walked over to Kay and gave her a hug and we all sat in the waiting room, just waiting for the doctor to come out, we knew she was fine, but Kayla was still beside herself. I guess as Cameron being the oldest and being responsible of Kayla, he felt like he has to care of her, he rocked her back and fourth and she eventually calmed down, then the doctor came out, "Mr.Cameron Dallas" we all stood up.

"Grace is fine, she had to get 12 stitches in the back of her head, and she has a concussion, it is not a major concussion but she fell hard enough, she must be resting and not running around for the next 5-7 days, and she has to come back in 3 days to get the stitches out" the doctor said

Grace was able to come home tonight so we all went to her room and she saw Kayla, "Are you serious, your such a baby, i need a few stitches and you cry." kayla just laughs and Grace has her sit with her on one side and me on the other.

Cameron signed Grace out of the hospital so we all got up to leave, Grace stumbled at first but i caught her and held her hand the rest of the way, the doctor said that she will be like because of the concussion, and she will feel dizzy, naushious, sick, and she may throw up.

We get back to the hotel and its about 9 and we all hangout in Taylors room and play truth or dare, Matt goes first, "Maura truth or dare"

"dare.." she says not so sure

"I dare you and Cameron to go in another room for 7 minutes together"

Camerons POV

As soon as Matt said Maura, i knew what it was. We got in the room and she was asking if Grace was okay and all, then she asked if she could take Grace and Kayla out for a girls day, she really loves to be helpful, I just said sure but that Grace can't stay out for more than 5 hours cause of her concussion, then you know we kissie kiss. It becomes heated then Matt bangs on the door.

cameron dallas's little sister and hayes grierWhere stories live. Discover now