Chapter 9

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Hayes POV

I woke up to the flash of a camera, what the hell. I went to pop up but i had Grace's head asleep on my chest and i just saw Nash running away. Im guessing that he had taken a picture of me adn Grace sleeping. I laid down for a few more minutes and then Grace woke up.

"Mornin beautiful"

"Good morning to you too Benjamin." She smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek, it gave me butterflies, almost like the other day when we had our first kiss, but that gave me a zoo in my stomach. 

Grace got up to take a shower so i checked instagram and twitter, I posted a picture of me and Grace from starbucks nad wrote the caption as, "Me and my babe are the whitest girls around town<3"

I looked at the comments and saw some that said "You guys are so cute together" "I ship Grayes all th way" and then others that said, "Eww hayes, you could do so much better and have me" or "Shes an ugly slore, shes fat as a hell and shes ugly af" They got me really mad, so i just put my phone down

Grace came out of the shower and i gave her a big hug, "Grace I need you to not let all the hate get to your head, if theyre not happy about us being together, then they arent true fans. I love you  no matter what they say, so try your hardest to ignore them."

"Hayes, ill try my hardest,but sometimes it does get hard, and I love you too" she replied and weakly smiled. We were standing there face to face when i leaned in, we kissed for about a minute and my stomach was in knots, at that point i knew she would be the girl i would be spending the rest of my life with. 

Graces POV

He leaned in and we kissed for about 1 minute, It felt like a zoo was being let free in my stomach, I knew he was the right one

"I love you Hayes"

"I love you too Grace" he whispered back and then got in the shower.

I went on instagram and saw the picture that hayes posted of us at starbucks and the caption as, "Me and my babe are the whitest girls around town<3" it made me smile, and then i looked at the comments.

I know that Hayes told me to not let the hate get to my head, but its really hard whne you know that they are talking about you and they mean it all. One comment stood out the most it said, "Hayes, i dont understand why you would even talk to that fugly slut, shes so ugly and shes really fat, soon shes gonna be on the buggest loser. You could do so much better, you could have me, im pretty, im kind, and i only weigh 102 pounds, we all know that your just being nice to her because shes ugly and knows that she can't get any guys, i could get any guy i want so why dont you come and get me now. Stop wasting your time on that ugly, stupid, fat peice of crap."

Right there i just wanted to die, I was trying to remeber hayes telling me to not let it bother me, but it was. I just started crying, balling my eyes out, Hayes had just started running the shower so i went to go talk to Cameron about it.

I got to Cams door and knocked, Nash answered it, Greatttt. "Grace what's wrong, was it Hayes, I swear to god-"

i cut him off "No Nash, Hayes didnt do anything, its all these fans"

He just hugged me and pulled me in the room, then I felt Camerons arms wrap around me and Nash went and sat back down. "Grace, you can't let the haters get to you, I know they say stuff that really hurts, but none of it is true, they are all just jelous because you have Hayes. And today Im gonna post something on twitter and ill say Leave my little sister Grace alone, i never told you guys about her because i didnt want her getting hate, but now that shes dating Hayes you already know about her, so stop giving her hate."

"Thanks Cam, it means a lot, im gonna go back to my room, ill see you at 12:30 for Magcon"

Hayes POV

I got out of the shower and Grace wasnt in there, then she came running through the door, i dont think she saw me because she just laid down and threw her head in a pillow, I went and laid next to her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and we snuggled till we had to leave.

We got in the hotel vans and once we got there we had to go on right away cause we were late, today we were gonna get Grace on stage but she didnt know that yet. 

Grace's POV

I was sitting on the coach backstage on my phone and listening to the boys at the same time, then all of the sudden i heard Cameron say into the microphone, "Please welcome my sister and Hayes girlfriend, GRACE DALLAS!"

no no no no no no! This was my worst fear, i hate being the center of attenention and big crowds, Taylor and Matt came back stage to get me, "Lets go Gracie, its time for you to officially become a part of the family" matt said, "No I cant, theyre just gonna hate me more, no!"

"No theyre not lets go!" Taylor said while laughing

This was my only chance to run, so i jumped up and ran, then Matt caught up to me and threw me over his shoulder "You thought you could outrun me" he laughed

"No Matt my phone" i yelled as i dropped my phone, but he kept running, i was kicking him, and punching him hoping he would put me down. Then I saw Taylor pick it up and run behind us, I kept kicking Matt and then i heard a bunch of people laughing and booing and i heard "Ew we dont want to see her"  "Shes ugly and fat" "Shes a slut"

It hurts more in person then it does on a phone, i gripped matt tighter and felt the tears that were about to pour out of my eyes. "See Matt i told you, now can i please go backstage" i whispered to matt. 

"No Grace, were gonna straighten this all out right now." 

Hayes POV

The fans all started booing and making rude comment, i could see that Grace was about to cry, so as soon Matt put her down, I ran up to her and hugged her, then it all came out, she was balling her eyes out, then i heard Cam "Guys seriously stop, shes perfect, shes the nicest girl ive ever met before" He was crying.

Camerons POV

I can't belive that my fans would do this, Grace is balling her eyes out on Hayes and at this point im crying too, I ran over to Hayes who was also crying, but not as much as Grace, I pulled Grace aside but we were still on stage. "Cam, i feel dizzy and everything s blurry, i just wanna go backstage please, i feel sick please" she begged and she was shaking, i picked her up and took her backstage, her head was really hot so i gave her water.

She got up and ran to the bathroom, i could hear her puking, it's been like 5 minutes and shes still puking, did the fans get to her this bad. I had to get help so i ran onstage, I ran up to nash and just whispered in his ear so the fans coudnt hear, we sprinted off of stage for dear life

We got back there and she was still throwing up, holy crpa, she mustve ate something that was bad. Me and Nash ran into the bathroom and her hair was all in her face as she was bending over the toilet crying and puking, Nash pulled her back and i rubbed her back. 

She finally stopped and walked over to the coach and laid down, I was scared and I think Nash was too because he was crying. He got up and wiped his tears and went back on stage and then sent Hayes in who laid with Grace so i could go out on stage. He rubbed her back and played with her hair till she fell asleep, it was cute. 

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