chapter 42

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Graces POV

I woke up and everyone was asleep, I figured that Maddie and Nash were probably up, so I took a shower.

I got out and put on sweat pants and a tshirt then I went to Nashs room.

I knocked on the door and Nash answered and Maddie was sitting at the table eating breakfast, "Hey girlie!" I said to Maddie

"GRACCCIEEE!" she said while hugging me at my legs, so I hugged back

"i want a hug" Nash fake poured

"Gracie gives good hugs!" Maddie as aid while going back to her French toast.

Nash wrapped his arms around me so I hugged back.

I got a text from Hayes

"Grace, I don't feel we'll so I'm gonna stay at the hotel for today, but go have fun with the guys, I love you"

"okay Hayes, call me if you need anything, I love you too!" I typed that than sent it back to him.

I got myself some food and sat down, "Nashly, Hayes is sick so he's not coming today."

"okay graceford." Nash said back while dressing Maddie.

Maddie was wearing black leggings with a cute black and white sweater and her cute lil baby uggs.

"grace go get changed and get the guys and we will go to Dunkin donuts before we go to the venue." Nash said

"OKAY!" I screamed while running out of the room.

I went into my room and Cameron and Maura were ready, then I got ready, I put on a long sleeve tshirt and jeans, with my uggs. then I put my hair in a messy bun and left the room with Cameron and Maura.

we went and got everyone else and went to dunkin donuts. we were standing in line behind these 2 teenage girls who were barley wearing any clothes and had makeup caked on their faces.

"ew look at the hoe who is behind us in line" one said to the other referring to me.

then she turned around to face me and started talking, "your a whore who only goes out with Hayes for the fame"

I cut her off, "that's not true at all, I love him"

"well, your so fat, he probably can't even wrap his arms around you, and here you are getting more food, and hayes only dates you because he feels bad for you, he told me. so go cut and don't eat and while your at it, KILL YOURSELF" she said to me then turned around and high fives her friend.

"if you were a true fan, you would except that Hayes loves her. now stop being fake, wipe the makeup off your face, and stop saying things that aren't true." jack J said to them.

I can't believe this at all right now, I can't move. why would she say that, am I really that fat, does everyone hate me, does hayes just feel bad for me?

tears are streaming down my face and I'm zoned out now, i was zoned back in by Cameron standing infront of me, shaking me, "grace listen to me"

I just started running, he was chasing after me but I started earlier.

I ran into the hotel and bolted up to our room, I ran into the room and slid down against the door, I put my knees to my chest and cried into them.

"grace, what happened?" hayes said while sitting next to me.

I didn't want hayes to be with me right now because what if it's true that he only dates me because he feels bad.

I got up and walked out of the room, I found a spot to hide, under the stairs.

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