Chapter 1: The one where they are partners

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Thomas' tanned face held a grin that could cut down anyone in his path as he approached Alexander.

 "Hey, partner." He spat the last word out as he came to a stop beside Alexander and leaned against the locker. 

"I think we oughta get a head start on our assignment, don't you agree?" And while he held resentment against Mr. Washington for pairing him up with this loudmouth immigrant kid, he did take delight in the effect he knew he had on Hamilton.

Alexander nodded. He blushed immensely when Thomas smiled. 

"We might as well, and unlike you, I actually care about what Washington has to say, so I took notes on every different choice for our assignment and highlighted some of the p-." Alexander stopped himself and looked to the ground. He hated it when he rambled in front of Thomas.

Thomas smirked at Alexander the whole time the smaller man spoke. And had he actually listened to Alexander instead of checking him out the whole time, he probably would have laughed in his face. But instead of doing that, he glanced up from where his eyes had settled and said, 

"Uh huh. Where should we work? My place or yours?" That damned grin returned at the implications of his statement. He hadn't meant it in any way, but he might as well play it off.

Alexander's cheeks heated up at the idea of either Thomas coming over to his place, or him going over to Thomas's. Of course, it was just for work purposes, and if it wasn't, I would probably just be used for teasing. 

"U-uh..." He stuttered, "You can choose. which would be a better workplace for you, Thomas?" He asked quickly. "I don't have a car either for your information, so... do you have one?" He smiled widely. Thomas's smirk had always made him feel happier, brighter almost.

Thomas snorted and turned from him, half in disgust and half in amusement. 

"Yeah, I have a car. Not everybody's as dirt poor as you." Oof. That sounded harsh, even to him. But he ignored the twinge of regret to say, "We should work at my house, though. The only person that'll be there is the maid."

Alexander looked down to the ground, his hands in fists, holding in his anger. That was too far. "Fine..." He looked up from the ground. Alexander sighed. "Alright. I will go to your place."

Thomas slung his arm around Hamilton's waist and started pulling him toward the school exit. 

"Come on, then. Unless you wanna go kiss John goodbye." He rolled his eyes; the freckled southern student had been watching them both with an expression of betrayal from far down the hall. Thomas threw a wave and a biting smile in his direction, forcing John to look away, knowing he'd been caught. That set everything right in Thomas' book.

Alexander looked over to John and sighed.

 "We... we aren't dating, Jefferson," Alexander mumbled. He allowed Thomas to drag him to the exit. He looked back up to Thomas's eyes, slowly beginning to get lost in them. 

"I know that, but he sure wishes you were," Thomas drawled in reply, absently reaching up with his free hand to check that his hair was in order. Of course, it was. With the amount of money spent on it, it damn well should be perfect. He glanced over at Hamilton as they exited the school. "I think he should stay in his lane.

Alexander sighed and looked forward once again. "Y-yeah...." He looked back to Thomas as he played with his hair. It was so amazing. Did Thomas know that? He smiled when Thomas's curls bounced.

Thomas noted the smile on Alexander's face and really tried not to let it get to him. For all his faults, Hamilton did have a cute smile. But wait--did he really just think Hamilton's smile was cute? He tried to cut that out of his mind and instead focused on waving to his friend James, who noted the placement of Thomas' hand and immediately launched into an asthma attack. He knew his friend enjoyed screwing with the immigrant, but maybe they were getting too close now. He would call Thomas later to talk about it.

Alexander looked over to the source of the sound of loud coughing and saw James. "I-is.... is Madison going to be okay?" He asked Thomas. He sighed.

Thomas scoffed and led him across the parking lot, ignoring his friend now. "Yeah, probably. Don't worry about him, though. We've gotta focus on tonight?"

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