Chapter 52: The one where it finishes

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James shared her contact information, and that was it. No further response.

He sat up straight before adding Eliza's number to his contacts. He messaged her. "Hey. It's the fuckboi you danced with at the 8th grade valentines day dance. Remember me?"

It took Eliza a full five minutes to respond because she was so excited to have heard from Alexander so suddenly. Both her sisters had to calm her down before she could send back, "Of course I remember you, silly. How have you been?" This was followed by a rosy-cheeked smiley face emoticon. 

"honestly not my best. haha." Alexander sent with a smile. "How about you, Liza?"

"Oh no!! What's wrong? I'm just worried about you." On the other end, Eliza was smushed between her sisters on their family couch, clutching the phone as they all peered down at the screen. Peggy whispered, "What are we trying to accomplish here?" Angelica covered Eliza's ears and whispered back, "You're too young to know." Peggy scowled at her older sister and Eliza swatted Angelica's hands away, laughing as she said to her sisters, "Quit it! I'm just going to find out what's wrong with him." With a pointed glance up at Angelica, she added, "And nothing else." Peggy got up from the couch, muttering, "He's probably gay anyway." Eliza nodded. "Exactly, Angelica. I can definitely just be friends with Alexander." Angelica laughed. "Sure you can." Eliza rolled her eyes and shifted so her older sister couldn't see her screen.

"Just some stupid shit with Thomas. Do you not know? I know I overheard kids talk about it at school." Alexander bit his lip before deleting that whole phrase, replacing it with "Nvm"

Eliza took a deep breath and texted back, "I understand if it's private, but, I really am worried about you." She sent that, then before she could regret it, sent, "You've just been hanging around that Jefferson boy."

After a minute, he wrote back; "Thomas. His name is Thomas, Eliza... And... can we not talk about him... please?"

"Oh, yeah, of course!! Definitely. I won't bring him up again. But why did you text me today?" Eliza was sort of panicking. She hadn't meant to make things uncomfortable. That had always been her sister's thing--making things uncomfortable, but in a way that would lead to change. She didn't know what her own thing was.

"Madison said you were missing me?... talking about me?... I don't know."

"Oh!! Yeah." Her face went red and it took her a minute to respond. "I was worried about you like I said. We're in the same algebra class and I got worried you were falling behind."

"Ah! No. I'm not falling behind. Thanks for caring!"

"Are you sure? I'd definitely be willing to help you out!" She felt like she was digging herself a hole.

"I'm going to be okay, Eliza."

Eliza took a deep breath. "Alright. Will I see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah. You will. I'm just... going to be looking really tired and kind of drunk... But I won't /actually/ be drunk just... I'll look like I am... if that makes sense."

"Are you sick?" She sent that without even thinking. Almost immediately after, she sent, "Sorry, sorry. Prying again. I'll see you tomorrow."

"no. Not sick... well... sick and tired of life. I'll see you tomorrow."

Eliza sent back, "Please take care of yourself. Especially if you won't let anybody else take care of you."

"I will i will... everyone is telling me that. goodbye, Eliza..."

"So many people have said that because so many people care about you. Goodbye, Alexander." She put her phone to sleep. Angelica asked her, "What happened?" Eliza shrugged. "Nothing."

Alexander was tempted to respond back, but ended up just turning off his phone and laying down on his bed.








George Washington


...Perhaps this wasn't meant to be

Wasn't Meant To Be : Jamilton [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now