Chapter 41: The one in the bathroom with James Reynolds

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Alexander reluctantly nodded, bending over the counter, and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Look at you, baby," he cooed, reaching out to run his fingers through Alexander's hair. He made sure to yank ever so slightly. "Good boy." He yanked down Alexander's pants down. "Makin' me so proud..."

He whimpered when his hair was pulled, only nodding. "I want to be a good boy for you, Thomas," he mumbled under his breath, shivering as the cold air from the bathroom hit his bare legs once his pants were down.

"Listen to you..." He swatted slightly at Alexander's ass, then worked to get his own pants down. "God, baby, you already got me so hard." He pressed his underwear-covered crotch against Alexander's ass. "You feel that?"

Alexander yelped when he felt the swat. He nodded quite quickly, feeling Thomas's hard-on. "Y-yeah... I d-do.."

Thomas grinned and stroked the spot on Alexander's ass he'd smacked mere seconds before. "Now, you want me to use spit or try the soap they have? The soap might burn." He didn't want to hurt Alexander. Inside, at least.

"S-spit..." he screwed his eyes shut, tightly. "P-please j-just hurry, Thomas! please..."

"Hey, hey. Slow down," Thomas cooed, swatting his ass again. "How much stretching do you need? Or have you kept yourself ready for me?"

He whimpered, lowering his head. "N-n-no s-stretching..j-just do it..p-please."

"Alright, baby. Relax for me." Thomas spat on his hand and reached down to lube himself before starting to push cautiously into Alexander. "Shit. Shit."

"Oh god~" he groaned in pain. He tried to look over at Thomas.

"Nuh uh, sweetheart. Look in the mirror," Thomas commanded, groaning softly as he slowly began to thrust in and out of Alexander. "And relax. Jesus christ."

Alexander hesitantly looked into the mirror, looking back at himself as he moaned out loudly and tried to relax his muscles.

"Look how pretty you are," he cooed, gripping Hamilton's hips. "My pretty boy." He reached down, where Alexander's shaft was pinned to the edge of the counter and began to stroke him. He caught himself being too complimentary, though, so he added, "You look so much better with my dick in you."

Alexander moaned even louder, looking at himself, and taking in all the sensations. "Aa-ah!~ Fuck, Thomas!!~"

It wasn't long before he was really fucking into Alexander, mostly because he had a lot of pent-up need. Jerking off in a hospital bathroom and occasionally getting a little something from Alex when he was visiting just hadn't been enough. It had gotten to the point that the night before, he'd had a legitimate wet dream about the immigrant. 

"Thomas!!! Holy fuck Thomas!!!~" The boy practically screamed out in pleasure as he continued to look at himself in the glass

"Someone's gonna hear us, baby. Keep that up and I'll find someone to fill up that mouth." He kept ramming into Alexander's ass, aiming specifically for the teen's prostate

He tried and he tried to follow Thomas's rule. "How can I when - AAH~ - You're fucking my -Aaah~- Ass!?" he growled.

"Do you think I'm kidding, Hamilton?" He placed a hand between Alexander's shoulder blades to keep him pinned down. "I swear to god, I'll get a guy in here so fast..." The whole time he spoke, he was still fucking him at a rough, rapid pace. 

I would like to see you- AAH~- try!" he moaned out loudly, trying to squirm under Thomas's grip.

"You know what?" Thomas said, removing his hand from Alexander's dick so he could use his phone. He even slowed his thrusts. "What if I called Jemmy, huh? Or shit, wait, what about Lafayette?" His voice dropped into a sickly sweet coo. "Would you like that, baby? Would you like getting fucked from both ends?"

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