Chapter 47: The one with the mistake

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The rest of the group followed and settled in a circle around the bottle John put on the floor. Herc asked, "Who goes first?"

"I'll go!" Alexander reached for the bottle, quickly spinning it around.

It spun until it landed on Lafayette. The Frenchman laughed and purred jokingly, "Come here mon petit lion..."

"Laffy!" Alexander squealed, practically tackling the other immigrant and kissing him.

Lafayette kissed back, trying not to laugh the whole time.

Alexander pulled away after a few seconds, slowly trying to grind on Lafayette's crotch, looking into his eyes.

Lafayette's laughter faded and turned to shock as he peered back at Alexander. But he kissed him again anyways.

Alexander kissed back quickly, pushing the two of them down onto the floor. Alcohol clouded his mind as he did this. He continued to grind down on Lafayette.

Lafayette kissed back for a moment longer, even giving a faint groan, before jerking back from the kiss so fast he slammed his head against the floor. Panting, he said, " don't want to do this."

"But...But I want this!" he groaned, try to kiss him again, now on his jawline.

Lafayette stuttered out, "N-non, mon ami. Stop it."

Alexander ignored him, or rather, he couldn't listen to him as he kissed down.

Herc cleared his throat. "Laf, uh, you want me to..." Lafayette hesitated, then shook his head and knotted his fingers in Alexander's hair. Hercules and John awkwardly got up to leave.

Alexander only continued, playing with the hem of Lafayette's shirt.

Lafayette murmured, "Alexander, why are you doing this?" His hand ran down Alexander's back.

"Because I want to show you I'm sorry for not believing you. Maybe you will believe me now." He giggled, pulling his shirt off. He clearly didn't think it was Lafayette under him. "Maybe now I can be top, now~" Alexander smirked.

Lafayette's breath caught in his throat. "Oh...Oh, non, Alexander, you--we--I am not--" He pursed his lips and starting moving out from under him. "I'm not...your Jefferson."

"Don't lie to me, Tommy." he laughed quietly, pulling the Frenchman back towards him. "You scared of being bottom?~"

"Alexander, stop," he replied, shifting back a bit. "I'm...I am not Thomas. Do you hear me?"

"But you are," he said, crawling to him.

Lafayette hesitated for a moment. He figured that it was bad to let this happen if Alexander didn't know what was going on, but something ached in his heart. Didn't Alex deserve a good experience? He just wanted his friend to be happy. So after a moment of further hesitation, he reached up and pulled his hair out of its ponytail.

Alexander let a smirk crawl onto his lips as he began to pull down Lafayette's pants and boxers. "Can't believe you're letting me call you 'Tommy' too. You've changed, and I love it." he giggled, kissing along his v-line.

Laf reached down to stroke Alexander's hair. He forced his own accent down in order to replace it with an admittedly poor imitation of Thomas'. "O-oh," 

"Yeah, Tommy?" He asked with a smirk, licking a line on Lafayette's cock, before deep throating him.

He almost curled inward, cursing, "Oh, merde--" He caught himself, though, and slipped into an easy grin. "I mean, you're so good at that, honey." And even if it did feel good, there was still anxiety in the pit of his stomach. What if Alexander sobered up halfway through? What if he hated him? He couldn't deal with that. Alexander was one of his first friends in America; he couldn't lose him. 

Alexander giggled, beginning to bob his head and lick around the other's cock. He moved down to the base, then slowly moving back up.

Lafayette wasn't as long as Thomas was, but he was bigger around. He figured it was best to keep quiet, since he knew he sounded terrible, but a few soft moans made their way out of him. 

"You sound so beautiful~" He popped off to say that, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His mind stayed clouded.

"You look so beautiful," he replied without even thinking. He hoped to god Alexander didn't notice his accent. He reached down and ran his fingertips down the smaller teen's cheekbone. "I...I need you."

"You punched me there. remember?" he giggled, tugging off his own pants and boxers.

Lafayette froze for a second, gulping, and said, "I did. I shouldn't have. If...if I ever hit you again, leave me." Might as well put that in Alexander's head. He felt a tiny thrill of pride when he realized he'd spoken very well in Thomas' accent. The pride died, however, when he remembered everything he was doing. "Come here. Up close. I...wanna...kiss you."

Alexander nodded frantically, kissing what seemed to be 'Thomas'. He pulled him closer. 

Laf kissed him deeply, trying to offer up as much love and passion as he could. It wasn't hard. He just wanted Alexander to have at least one good experience in his relationship. 

Alexander smiled. "I won't let it go too far, Tommy..." He giggled. "I'm getting tired. Maybe I'll rest, and then we can continue~" he smirked.

"Maybe," he replied, cupping Alexander's cheeks. He ran his thumbs over the smaller teen's cheekbones and gave a sad smile before moving to redress himself. God, it hurt, seeing his friend love someone so terrible. 

Alexander smiled and got dressed, moving to the couch and plopping down onto it.

Lafayette put his hair back up and stood, leaving the room to go into the kitchen. He felt a

Alexander didn't care, falling asleep, rather quickly, on the couch.

 Lafayette sat at the table and started getting drunk on wine. Coincidentally, that's the exact thing Thomas wished he was doing at that exact moment. Of course, he wasn't. He was taking his afternoon dose of a medicine that was supposed to help him act more civilized. Or, he hoped it would. All it promised to do was level out whatever imbalance made him so imbalanced.

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