Chapter 6: The one where they prepare

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Thomas grinned down at Hamilton and shifted to put his knee between the smaller man's thighs, pressing the joint up lightly against his crotch. "Now, what do you want? Tell me."

"I.... I...." Alexander stuttered, looking up to the taller boy with innocence. "I... w-want you to fuck me, Thomas." He said quickly.

Thomas heard him but chose instead to be an asshole. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you. You know, what with you being as big of a loudmouth you are, you'd think you'd learn to speak up." He jammed his knee into Alexander's balls. 

Alexander screamed when Thomas knees him. "Fuck me, Thomas!" He screamed at the top of lungs.

A horrific grin split Thomas' face once more, teeth blindingly white against the tan hue of his skin. "That's more like it." He unbuttoned Alexander's pants once more. "I could get used to hearing you yell all the time if you're saying something like that." 

Alexander nodded. He looked up at the taller man. "P-please... j-just fuck me already, Th-Thomas!" he begged. He tried to grin upwards toward Thomas. Alexander slowly began to get lost into Thomas's dark eyes, once again.

Thomas leaned down so his lips hovered right over Alexander's and said softly, "Now wipe that ugly expression off your face and let me kiss you, or else you're gonna have to jack off in my bathroom."

Alexander nodded, once again, and allowed his face to calm down before looking back up at Thomas.

Thomas leaned down and kissed Hamilton passionately while his hands worked quickly to remove the smaller young man's pants. Admittedly, his own heart raced and his hands shook just slightly more than he would've liked. Had this been literally anyone else, he would've have been so worked up. But this was Alexander Hamilton, someone he'd been in a game of tug-o-war with since freshman year. To have him like this, on his back, obeying every command--this was far beyond anything he'd ever imagined.

Alexander immediately kissed back. His hands slowly stroked Thomas's sides. He felt the cold air on his legs once his pants were off, but he knew that Thomas would most likely warm him up in a little bit. He truly hated having to obey Thomas's commands. But, if the outcome was something amazing, it will be worth it. He continued to kiss Thomas.

Thomas pulled back, but only so he could kiss down to Alexander's neck. There, he nibbled and sucked pale purple spots into the tender flesh. His hand grasped at the bulge between Alexander's legs.

Alexander gasped at the sudden grab at his crotch, but he melted in Thomas. He moaned quietly.

He bit down hard enough to break the skin on the juncture of Alexander's neck and shoulder. "You'll have to wear a scarf tomorrow." He stuck his hand down into Alexander's underwear.

Alexander nodded frantically once again. "I-i will, T-thomas" He moaned quietly.

Thomas stroked Alexander's shaft underneath his underwear.

Alexander moaned quite loudly. " T-t-thomas~~!"

Oh, how Thomas relished that sound. "Remember this when you're trying to explain to Mr. Washington why our homework isn't done." He squeezed Alexander's balls, just tightly enough to border on pain. 

Alexander screamed out, in both pain and pleasure. He nodded at Thomas's statement. "I th-think I w-will remember th-this for a while." he chuckled. Moans continued to escape his lips.

Thomas got Alexander's underwear all the way off, then started working impatiently on his own clothing.

Alexander watched in anticipation. 

Thomas' physical charms extended far beyond his glowing grin and gorgeous hair. Deeply tanned skin rolled over taut muscle, his body carved like art. 

Alexander looked all over Thomas's body "W-Woah." Compared to Thomas, Alexander was merely a twig. His frail body would get crushed by Thomas in one second.

"Like what you see?" He grinned down at Hamilton, absolutely radiating an unbearable sort of smugness. He knew how good he looked.

Alexander nodded. "Y-y-yeah.." He continued to look at all of Thomas, once again.

Thomas ran his broad hand over Alexander's thigh, squeezing slightly. "Have you ever fucked before?"

Alexander shook his head. "N-no.." he confessed. Alexander looked deeply in Thomas's dark eyes.

Thomas did not look convinced. "Really."

"W-with John... o-once." Alexander whispered. A blush slowly forming on his cheeks

Thomas snorted at the response. "He doesn't count."

"N-no one else." Alexander shook his head.

"Christ. I'm gonna have to teach you absolutely everything, won't I?" Thomas sighed and reached over to his nightstand to get lube and a condom. 

Alexander nodded slowly. "S-s-sorry." He mumbled.

Thomas shrugged. "I don't really care. I just thought you were, you know, kind of a slut."

Alexander chuckled softly. "No...i'm n-not."

"Well, I guess I'll have make you one myself."

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