Chapter 10: The one before dinner

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"I mean..." Thomas shrugs, looking to the side. "I could start being your partner more in class. So you could come over for more homework."

Alexander nodded frantically. "I would really like that, Thomas." He grinned widely, He looked up at Thomas. "And... you're right.. the height difference between us is significant." he sighed.

"I know I'm right. I always am." Thomas shrugged, looking all smug, and let Alexander go as Sally opened the gate, entered, and stood politely by it until Thomas asked, "What, Sally?" The young woman asked, "Is Alexander staying for dinner?"

Alexander's breath hitched slightly. He shrugged and looked up at Thomas. "Would you /like/ me to stay for dinner, Thomas?"

"Of course," Thomas replied, voice practically dripping with faux saccharinity. "Then I can drive you home." He could already imagine driving Hamilton home, the long way. Along backroads, where he could pull over and they could--Sally interrupted his thoughts by saying, "Any food allergies, Alexander?"

Alexander shook his head. "No allergies. Thanks for asking, Sally." He smiled widely at the girl, then turned back to Thomas.

The woman nodded, timidly smiling back. "Of course. Dinner should be ready in a few minutes." She then hurried back inside. Thomas slipped an arm absently around Alexander, watching her go. Finally, once the door to the house had closed, he said, "Huh. She sure seems to like you."

"Yeah, she is actually quite nice." Alexander grinned widely, placing his hands on Thomas's hips, wanting to pull him closer again.

Thomas looked at him for a moment, mulling over thoughts in his head, before scoffing and saying, "Yeah. Sure. Nice." He rolled his eyes and pushed Alexander away again like he preferred to go swimming than hold the smaller man. That was absolute bullshit, of course, but whatever.

Alexander yelped and fell backward in the water. "Thomas!" he chuckled. He thought for a moment. "You seemed eager to drive me home.. why?"

"I like driving at night," Thomas replied, then deadpanned, "It gives me a much greater chance at mowing down helpless little forest creatures."

"Wow, gruesome," Alexander replied. He swished around in the water in silence, not sure what else to say to Thomas.

Thomas floated on his back as the sun began to set behind the trees surrounding the property. "The water's getting too cold," he finally said, swimming back to the pool stairs.

Alexander shrugged. "I agree." he nodded, beginning to follow Thomas. "Do you think that dinner is ready yet? Should we wake up your mother?"

"Dinner's probably ready," Thomas replied, then glanced at his mother's sleeping form. "Nah. Let her sleep." He went over to the bar at the back of the pool area and retrieved two towels from underneath it. "Here." He held one out to Alexander.

"Alright." Alexander shrugged, taking a towel from Thomas and beginning to dry himself off, rinsing out water from his hair.

Thomas dried off, paying special attention to his own hair, which was miraculously unmussed. He was oddly quiet.

"Thomas? Are you sure you're alright?" Alexander asked softly, putting a hand on Thomas's shoulder. "You can talk to me." he smiled weakly

"I'm fine, Hamilton," Thomas replied, rolling his eyes and dropping the towel carelessly on the ground before heading to the gate. "Come on. We have to change before dinner."

Alexander nodded, but quickly grabbed his and Thomas's towels, putting them neatly next to the pool bar. He then ran to catch up to Thomas.

Thomas had already passed through the gate and was on his way past a bush of roses when Alexander caught up to him. Despite his annoyance of an unknown source, he did slow his stride for the smaller man so he could keep up. He was used to doing so for Jemmy, anyways. And it struck him as odd, how differently he held James and Alexander in his mind--doing the things he'd done with Alexander today, with James instead, had never crossed his mind. Dating his best friend? Perhaps. Going to prom? Sure. Before today, he hadn't really had any other person he'd want to ask to such an affair. But now there was Alexander, lit up in his mind in passion and fire and an annoyed, angry kind of love, as compared to the homey comfort of holding James' hand as they'd cross a street together. He would never have imagined Alexander would ever hold more than annoyance and physical fantasy in his mind, yet here they were. There he was.

Alexander smiled up at Thomas. "Y'know... I am still unsure why you would even want to... do things... with me." He said softly. "Like, I know you hate me... but, you seemed very determined when we were in the bedroom. May I ask why? Like.. do you even know why?"

"It's probably some form of self-harm. I screw the person I hate most to hurt myself," Thomas replied, not even serious about it. "Nah, but really, I have no idea. All I know is I wanna do it again."

Alexander laughed. "You wanna do it again? Really?" he teased, not entirely sure if Thomas was serious.

"Why not? It'll probably be the best nights of your life," Thomas replied, grinning over at him. "See? I'm doing charity work. I'm not so bad after all."

Alexander shrugged. "Honestly. This already is." He smiled. "And you were never really /that/ bad, Thomas."

"Mm, not that bad, huh?" Thomas absently slipped his arm around Alexander's waist as they entered the kitchen. "I've really gotta up my game, then."

Alexander laughed. "Very funny, Thomas." He rolled his eyes, leaning slightly against Thomas.

Thomas kept a hold on him all the way up to his room, where he found Sally had already taken Alexander's clothes to wash. "Looks like you'll be wearing my clothes to dinner." He smirked, imagining that as he went to the closet. 

Alexander crossed his arms. "What is with the smirk?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well, you're just gonna look so cute, all bundled up in my clothes. I mean, think about it. You're tiny." Thomas started looking for clothes for Hamilton. "'d look good in green..."

Alexander huffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Jefferson."

"Lock the door and take your trunks off," Thomas replied with that same patronizing coo in his voice, but this time there was a bit of heat behind it. A second later, he clarified, "I mean, so you can get dressed."

Alexander rolled his eyes. "I understand, Thomas." He walked over to the door, locking it, then proceeding to pull down the black swim trunks off of his frail legs.

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