Chapter 12: The one with teasing

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Orange sunlight changed everything, though, lending the house a warmer feeling than it had held when Alexander had first arrived.

Alexander hugged himself tightly as he looked around the house. He grinned widely.

Thomas headed down the stairs, still keeping it slow for Alexander. "Or maybe we could ask Sally. You could ask Sally for a way to pay me back, actually."

"No.. I don't want to give her any more work to do. It is fine." Alexander smiled, continuing to follow his rival.

"I mean, she knows a whole lot about what I'm into." There wasn't so much teasing in this remark. Thomas let his focus conveniently shift to his cufflinks.

Alexander shrugged. "It is fine... i will just.. figure it out on my own." He smiled at Thomas.

"Alright." Thomas fixed his cufflinks as they entered the dining room. Dinner sat on the table, a vast array of delicious food. 

Alexander's eyes widened at the food on the table. "W-woah!" He exclaimed, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't sleeping.

"Are you gonna respond like that to everything you see here?" Thomas asked, pulling a chair out for Alexander to sit in. 

"Well, i have the right to! Everything in here is awesome!" Alexander smiled, sitting in the chair. "Thank you."

"Uhh...yeah. Whatever." Thomas settled down across from Hamilton and almost delicately folded his napkin over his lap so he could keep clean while he ate. Sally came in and poured him a glass of wine, then quietly asked Alexander once she reached him, "What do you want to drink?"

Alexander did the same with his napkin, then turned to Sally. "J-just water please." he smiled and the woman.

"Are you sure?" She absently rested her hand on his shoulder. 

Alexander nodded, smiling widely. "Thank you for asking, Ms."

Thomas watched the exchange with an unimpressed expression, lips pursed slightly and one eyebrow raised. His arms crossed over his chest and he glared at Sally as she grabbed the icy water pitcher in the center of the table and poured Alexander a glass.

"Thank you!" Alexander nodded, grasping the glass in his hand and taking a small sip.

Sally nodded, smiling slightly before she hurried off once more. Thomas watched her go, lost in thought.

Alexander put down his glass and looked over at Thomas. "You do not seem impressed." He laughed

"Maybe because I think that skank was flirting with you." Thomas scowled at the nondescript door Sally had passed through, then drained his wine glass. For someone a few years from the legal drinking age, he'd already become a bit of a connoisseur. And an addict, probably, but he preferred not to think about that, and usually didn't think about that as he poured his second glass before even beginning to eat. But this time, he did think about it: how this must come off to Alexander. He filled his glass halfway and didn't immediately polish it off.

Alexander growled. "First, she isn't a skank! And second, she wasn't flirting! She was just being nice, Jefferson!"

"Oh, she's not a skank, huh?" Thomas leaned back in his seat. "And she wasn't flirting? Because it sure looks like when she used to flirt with me."

"She wasn't flirting with me, Jefferson?" Alexander thought for a moment. "Are you jealous or some shit?"

Thomas practically gagged on air before looking shocked. "Me? Jealous? Of you and Sally?" He scoffed and waved Hamilton off. "Don't be stupid, Alexander. Why in God's name would I have any reason to be jealous? Of anyone."

Alexander shrugged. "Maybe you just want to fuck me~" he mumbled, looking down at his lap.

"All the time, yeah. But it's kinda clear at this point that I'd fuck anything that offered itself to me," Thomas replied, gesturing with his head to where the sounds of Sally bustling around in the kitchen could be heard. "Maybe after dinner, if you play nice, I'll let you sit in my lap on the way home." He smirked at him, and without further ado, began to eat dinner. 

Alexander's breath hitched slightly, but he smiled. "That would be nice." He slowly poked at the food on his plate.

Thomas ate in silence for a few minutes before evidently deciding he was bored again. "I'm sure you'd enjoy that. At least you're good for one thing." He toed one shoe off and almost casually lifted his foot, under the table to rest in the chair across from him. Right between Alexander's legs. Brazenly, he pressed his foot against Alexander's crotch, rubbing just enough to remind Alexander just who he was dining with: someone who could make him feel good, even as he put him down.

"Oh shut u-" Alexander was cut off by a silent moan before slapping his hand over his mouth. "T-Thomas... not here!" he whisper-shouted, hoping no one else heard the moan.

"Why not?" Thomas replied. "Nobody else is gonna be in here. It's your fault if you jizz in your pants, Alex." He paused. "My pants, actually, so try your best not to ruin them."

Alexander whimpered, squirming slightly in the seat. "T-t-Thomas.. please.. just not here..." he begged softly, taking a bite of the food as if nothing was happening.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Thomas responded, biting his lip. He knew damn well what he was doing was wrong. That was precisely why he liked it.

"J-just please... stop!" Tears formed in Alexander's eyes. "S-s-s-stop.. please... I am begging you, stop.." he stuttered

"Why should I stop?" Thomas shot back. "It feels good, right? Why stop?"

"It... it feels good... but I d-don't want it, Thomas..." Alexander sobbed softly, looking down at the foot on his crotch. He bit his lips to conceal moans.

"Why not? I thought you liked this," Thomas snapped, withdrawing from Hamilton entirely.

Alexander whimpered slightly. "I...i'm sorry..." he mumbled, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Just...shut up. For once in your life." Thomas shook his head and went back to eating. 

Alexander nodded frantically, closing his mouth, only reopening it to take in food. He tapped his foot anxiously, slightly aroused by Thomas's actions. Alexander slowly, cautiously, slipping his hand into his pants, stroking himself slowly as he ate.

Thomas finished his meal and two more glasses of wine. 

It took Alexander a few minutes more to finish, taking his hand out of his pants and smiling at Thomas.

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