Chapter 42: The one in the car to Thomas's house

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Thomas' phone went off and he read the text. "Alright. Sally's been waiting." He kissed Alexander's cheek, then reached up to smooth his hair. "You ready, baby?"

"Y-yeah." he smiled, slowly standing up, wincing as pain emerged from his ass. "Fuck..." he grumbled.

Thomas tried to ignore the pang of concern in his chest in favour of saying, "Don't worry. We can always numb you up when we get home." He headed for the bathroom door. 

Alexander nodded softly, following Thomas to the door.

Thomas slipped his hand into Alexander's, winking at the hall monitor as they passed him. The sophomore immediately flushed and scurried along without bothering them. Thomas snickered. "I think I broke him."

Alexander let out a soft laugh. "Yeah... maybe. I mean, how can someone not fall for you?..."

"You'd be surprised," he replied, kissing his temple as they left the school. Sally was standing at the front of the lot, next to her car, and said waved at the boys to get their attention. 

Alexander giggled towards him, waving gently at sally.

Thomas walked with Alexander to the woman's car. "Hey, Sally." Sally just shook her head at him. "Thomas, you're gonna fail if you don't go to class. They probably think you're dropping out." Thomas kissed her cheek. "You're the dropout, not me." He opened the backseat door for Alexander because he wanted to sit in the back with him. 

Alexander listened to their conversation, chuckling lowly as he climbed into the back seat. A huge grin appeared on his face.

Thomas got in the other side of the back while Sally got back in to drive. "I may be a dropout," she said, "But at least I never got my butt whooped without defending myself." She looked at Thomas in the rearview as she backed out of the parking spot. Thomas opened his mouth to argue but knew she had him, so instead, he scoffed and replied, "Whatever you say, Sally. I didn't defend myself because he was Alexander's friend." She nodded, lips pursed. "Mmmhm."

"Are you sure?" Alexander smirked. "Hercules is pretty strong, Thomas." he poked at his shoulder.

Thomas laughed. "Alexander, you've seen me naked. You know damn good and well I'm just as strong as that meathead."

A blush formed on his olive face. "You're sexually strong... but Herc goes to the gym on a daily basis! He is a fucking animal when he wants to be..."

Thomas grinned at Alexander the whole time he spoke, and once he stopped speaking, he laughed and shook his head. "Sorry, baby. I stopped listening after 'sexually strong'."

"God, you're so cocky!" he huffed, crossing his arms.

Thomas laughed and slung his arm over Alexander's shoulders. "And you love me."

Alexander sighed, giving him a smile. "I do... I do."

Thomas nodded. "Course you do. Why else would you still be here?"

A smirk tugged at Alexander's lips. "Lust?~"

He laughed a little bit. "Yeah, I guess it could just be that. Who wouldn't stay for a guy who looks this good?"

"That's true." Alexander's smirk only grew larger as he moved his hand to Thomas's abs and abdomen.

"Hey, hey," he said, ever so slightly pushing Alexander's hand down farther. "We can't pull that shit in Sally's backseat. God forbid we leave a stain." They were at a stoplight, so Sally just shook her head and put in headphones so she wouldn't have to deal with the teenagers in her backseat.

Wasn't Meant To Be : Jamilton [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now