Chapter 30: The one with the haircut

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Lafayette dragged him into the salon and was immediately greeted by all the stylists. He went around giving greetings and air kisses until everyone had been acknowledged, then signed Alex in.

"Something tells me you've Been here before, Laf." Alexander laughed.

Laf laughed and settled into a seat to wait. "Maybe." John and Herc finally caught up to them. 

Alexander sat beside Lafayette, still smirking. "Oh, you definitely have."

"A few times," Lafayette replied jokingly. Herc looked over the wall of haircare supplies the salon sold. "What the hell do you need all this for, anyway? You keep your hair up all the time." Laf nodded. "Oui. That puts a lot of stress on the hair, so I have to take extra care of it."

Alexander shrugged. "Also, if he doesn't keep it up, he looks l-" He paused, looking down to his lap.

Lafayette nodded and patted Alexander's hand. "Exactly. I'd rather not look like the ugliest bug alive." 

Alexander nervously chuckled. "Yeah..."

Laf said softly, "Forget about him, mon petit lion. He can't hurt you anymore."

Alexander nodded, leaning against Laf. "That goes for you, too..." he mumbled.

Laf smiled. "Lucky for us, we have pretty boys to help us forget." He cast his eyes on Herc, who was reading the back of hairspray with a confused, fearful expression. 

Alexander grinned and nodded. He let his head rest on Lafayette's shoulder. "Yeah... We do."

Lafayette cuddled up to Alexander, still watching Hercules. John texted Alexander, asking, "Do you want to order a pizza tonight or can I start planning a real dinner?"

Alexander quickly texted back. "I am not sure... You're choice, Jackie."

"Ha ha. You just walked into a healthy, filling meal tonight," he texted back, followed by a smiling devil emoji.

"Oh shoot XD" Alexander laughed.

John grinned and shut his phone off as a stylist called Alexander over to a chair. Laf whined when he let his friend go, but was soon consoled by Herc dropping everything to take his place.

Alexander quickly stood up, walking over to the chair and sitting down.

Laf called out, "Just a wash and a trim, Barbara." The stylist nodded and said to Alexander, "Come over here to the sinks, then." She headed over to a row of sinks with chairs backed up against them.

Alexander nodded frantically, quickly following the stylist. A huge grin was plastered on his face 

"Sit down, sit down," she said. "Lean back on the sink. What shampoo do you use?"

Alexander sat down, leaning back. "I... don't use to shampoo..." he mumbled under his breath, slightly embarrassed 

"Good. God. If you did, I'd look into suing the shampoo company that did this to your hair." She started up the water. "Now, tell me if the water's too hot." She sprayed his head carefully, just a quick splash.

Alexander chuckled at her joke. He knew it was true though. He hadn't washed his hair in forever. "It is good." He replied, "not too hot."

"Good, good." She started rinsing his hair. "It sucks because your hair's so pretty. Such a good colour for you. This isn't even dyed, is it?"

"No... not dyed. I don't really pay much attention to it... I mostly keep it up in a ponytail to get it out of my face."

"Okay, well, don't do that. Ponytails are killer on your hair. And you can tell your little friend I said that, too." She cut eyes at Laf, who was too busy fawning over his friends to notice. Barbara the stylist then introduced a fine shampoo into the mix, thanks to another stylist who'd assessed Alexander's hair and picked the proper product for Barbara.

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