Chapter 40: The one with the guidance counsellor.

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Near the very end of class, the phone rang. Washington answered it. "...Really? Now...? Does he have to?" A moment passed in silence before he sighed and hung up, turning to write a pass.

Alexander sat up straight at the phone call, hoping it was about him.

"Alexander..." He held the pass out in the boy's direction. "Go to the guidance office."

Alexander immediately took the pass and stood up, walking out of the classroom without a second thought, and running towards the guidance office.

Thomas was there, because of his behaviour, and he'd requested Alexander as a witness to how Washington was wrong about his behaviour. Mostly because he knew Alexander would defend him. 

Alexander gave him a soft wave before sitting down next to him

Thomas gestured to the guidance counsellor, who looked like she'd already been worn down by Thomas for a while before Alexander entered, and said, "Alex, tell this sweet lady that I don't need a suspension for my, uh--how'd you put it, ma'am?" The counsellor took a deep breath. "Disruptive behaviour." She'd hardly finished before Thomas interrupted to say, "Disruptive behaviour. Yeah, that's right. Tell her how Washington overreacted, Alex."

Alexander sighed, looking down at his lap. "Miss... with all Due respect, Thomas just wanted to sit next to me in class... that's all that he was doing. and... Washington did seem to want to keep us apart... I know why, but... times change.."

The counsellor shook her head. "I don't know. I doubt Mr. Washington would lose his temper over a seating arrangement. There has to be a reason it set him off like it did, enough to not handle the problem himself."

"B-because... T-Thomas said 'maybe because you want to spend more time with Alex alone in a classroom'...."

The counsellor was taken aback. "Thomas, that's highly inappropriate." Thomas shrugged. "I said what I thought."

Alexander sighed. "It really is, Thomas...."

Thomas looked over at Alexander, pursing his lips. "Are you here to defend me or not, Alexander?" He crossed his arms, eyebrow arched. The counsellor said, "Thomas, you can't force him to defend you." Thomas scoffed, muttering, "That's what you think, ma'am..."

His fists tightened. "No! I'm not defending what you did, Thomas!!!" he yelled quickly. Alexander bit his lip.

Thomas groaned. "Fine. I'll take the damn suspension." The counsellor sighed. "Look, Thomas. Just don't say those sorts of things again, and all you'll have is detention. Without Mr. Washington watching you." 

Alexander's eyes widened. He looked to Thomas. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest as he imagined when Thomas would do next.

Thomas shook his head. "Fine. Today or tomorrow?" The counsellor wrote down the summons. "Tomorrow." Thomas glanced at Alexander. "When was your detention again?"

"next Monday..." He sighed, looking down at the floor

Thomas nodded and tapped on the counsellor's summons. "Mark that down. Mark me down for next Monday instead." The counsellor stared at him. "...are you trying to reschedule detention?" Thomas looked back at her. "Yeah." The counsellor took a deep breath. "Tomorrow and Monday, then." Thomas would've fought that, but he would take what he could get.

Alexander bit his lip before smiling at his peer. "So...Thomas and I have the same detention?.... w-will Mr. Washington be there?"

"No," said the counsellor, moving to her phone. She dialled an extension and said into the phone, "Mr. Washington?... Yes. I know you had detention monitoring scheduled for next Monday, but would you be willing to switch with coach von Steuben?...yes. Thank you." She hung up and dialled the coach's extension. Thomas slipped his hand discreetly into Alexander's.

Alexander tensed feeling the other's hand, squeezing it lightly. He looked at Thomas in the corner of his eye. 

As the counsellor spoke on the phone, Thomas squeezed Alexander's hand with a smirk. He asked him softly, "You're coming to my house today, right, baby?"

Alexander nodded frantically. "Of course, Thomas." he smiled.

"Good." He smiled, then let the expression return to a haughty look when the counsellor got off the phone. She handed him his summons and said, "Alright, boys. Get back to class." Thomas stood up, grabbing his crutches. "Sure we will."

Thomas walked with Alexander in the hall as the bell rang for the classes to switch. "Aw, great. Now I get to watch you fall all over yourself in gym. Unless you wanna just cut the rest of today."

Alexander groaned. "Shut uuuup." he chuckled,

"Well,  I figure I'm backed up on makeup work for school. I probably missed plenty of tests. And honestly, I'd much rather do you than them this afternoon."

"Oh." Alexander chuckled. "And where would you wanna 'do your tests', Thomas?~" he smirked.

"Hmm," Thomas smirked and nudged him. "I think I'd score better if I took a test home with me."

"Alright." Alexander nudged him back. "Then you can take the test home."

Thomas laughed and kissed his cheek, stopping so he could text Sally. "Alright, baby. Hold on."

He nodded gently, hugging himself as he leaned against the wall. 

Thomas got about halfway through his text when he glanced up at Alexander, biting his lip. He looked him up and down, then smirked and went back to typing. He said nothing.

Alexander looked at him, tilting his head. "What are you smirking for?"

Thomas shook his head and sent the text. "No reason. Ya wanna hide in the bathroom until she gets here?"

"Sure, Thomas." he smiled, walking to the boy's washroom, quite eagerly.

Thomas followed him in, now just smiling to himself. He'd had a nice train of thought when he'd look at Alexander like he had.

Alexander sighed, sitting on the counter with the sinks.

Thomas locked the door behind him and went to lean on the counter with him. "So, has school been hell without me here?"

He nodded gently. "Yeah... It really has, Thomas. I couldn't get you out of my head... Mr. Washington kept on asking me how I was doing.... and John... We haven't spoken in a while..."

As Alexander spoke, Thomas reached up and brushed the smaller teen's hair behind his ear. Once he finished speaking, he replied, "Don't even think about him. I'll help keep your mind off him as soon as we get to my house, alright?" He placed a kiss on Alexander's neck.

Alexander tensed before nodding quickly. He was interrupted when Thomas kissed his neck, letting out a quiet moan in response.

"We can get drunk off our asses," Thomas promised him as he continued kissing his neck. His hand began to stroke Alexander's thigh. "Or high, if you want. I can get my hands on anything for you."

J-just...w-want...y-y-you." The immigrant stuttered out to Thomas. "o-only you."

Thomas smirked and squeezed his thigh. "Damn. What do you want me to do, huh? Tell me, since you're usually so good at words." He started sucking a hickey into Alexander's neck.

Alexander panted. "F-fuck me, T-thomas...P-please." he begged, his hands resting on Thomas's hips.

Thomas grinned and pulled away from him. "Bend over the counter, then. I want you to see yourself in the mirror when I fuck you like you deserve." 

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