Chapter 34: The one with the fight

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 It wasn't until about six a.m. that a nurse shook Alexander awake. 

Alexander grumbled as he slowly opened his eyes, looking up at the nurse. "Y-yes ms?"

She said, "Honey, you ought to get out of here before the traffic gets bad outside."

Alexander nodded softly, pulling away from Thomas in the bed, and standing up straight. 

The nurse went about checking Thomas out, checking his temperature and heart rate. She didn't speak to Alexander again. 

Alexander sighed, and left the room, closing the door behind him.

John was still down the hall, sitting on the bench. He was still awake, though ridiculously tired. 

Alexander cautiously walked up to John on the bench. "U-uh... Hey..."

"Hey," John replied monotonously, rubbing his eyes. 

"I'm... sorry...." Alexander mumbled.

"It's...fine, Alexander. But we should get going." John unplugged his charger and stood. 

"You don't seem fine, John." Alexander looked at him.

John avoided his gaze. "I'm just tired." He headed for the elevator. 

"This isn't just tired, John... I know you..."

John stepped into the elevator, running a hand over his head before pressing the lobby button. "I'll be fine. I just need some energy. We're getting coffee."

"Fine..." Alexander followed John and looked to his feet.

John was quiet for the ride down, but as they exited the elevator, he asked, "How was Thomas, anyway? Did Herc get him good?"

Alexander nodded. "He did.... really good."

John nodded as they crossed the lobby and exited the hospital. "Well, he deserved to get absolutely wrecked."

Alexander sighed before nodding once again.

John went quiet again for a bit, unlocking his car and getting in the driver's seat. His phone went off a few times but he ignored it.

Alexander sighed as he hopped into the passenger's seat.

John's phone kept going off even as he pulled out of the parking lot, so he said, "God damn it. Laf's been texting me since three in the morning. Can you see what he wants this time?"

Alexander flinched slightly but nodded, taking the phone, opening it, and reading the messages.

All the messages from Lafayette were horrifically misspelled, detailing the night he'd spent with Herc. Mostly he was complaining that they hadn't done 'anything fun', just drank a bottle of wine and cuddled. It seemed Laf was still enjoying the effects of the wine, thus the spelling. 

"Laf being a horny bitch with alcohol," Alexander informed.

"Yeah, so, the exact same thing he's been talking about since 3 a.m." John rolled his eyes. Laf sent, 'And now im not sur i shuld send him these pics', followed by three images that had trouble loading. 

Alexander turned the phone over. "I think Laf just sent me some... pics..."

John was silent for a moment while that processed. Finally, he said, "You know, I wish I could say that was the first time he's done that, and I wish I could say I didn't give him permission to send me those pictures for critique, but god damn he sure sends them at the wrong times."

Wasn't Meant To Be : Jamilton [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now