Chapter 11: The one with the bet

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Thomas grinned at him and passed him a silk green shirt, way too large for Hamilton itself but that had obviously been tailored for Thomas himself. "Put this on."

Alexander took the shirt and slipped in on his body. "Damn, this is big..." His eyes widened. "The shirt, i mean..."

Thomas snickered, then reached out to button the shirt for Hamilton. As big as his hands were, they worked nimbly to fasten each button. "Yeah, it is. And just like I expected, you look like a little doll. An ugly ass doll, but a doll."

"Shut up." Alexander huffed, looking down at the ground. "What about my bottom half?"

"You do!" Thomas insisted as he returned to the closet, shifting his weight to one leg so one hip popped out. "Hm...pants." He reached up and grabbed a pair, in black. "Might as well just use these." He grabbed a belt as well, then handed them both to Alexander. "Here. We can cuff the legs, too."

Alexander nodded, pulling the jeans onto his legs and tightening the belt on the top. 

Thomas lowered himself down onto his knees in order to cuff the legs of the pants, but he really, really took his time in doing so. Once he was done with the cuffing, he glanced up at Alexander, biting his lip, and made no move to get up.

Alexander furrowed his brows, smirking devilishly. "Are you going to stay down there, or are you actually going to get up?" he teased.

"Depends. Are you willing to make a bet, Hamilton?" Thomas grinned up at him, teeth dazzlingly white.

"Bet? What the hell do you mean, 'bet'? What is it?" Alexander asked cautiously.

"If you cum before Sally calls us down for dinner, you have to face Mr. Washington about our homework tomorrow. If you don't, then I'll face Mr. Washington." Thomas rested his hand on the zipper of Alexander's pants. 

Alexander's breath hitched. He soon nodded. "O-okay." He smiled.

Thomas grin grew smug as he unzipped the pants. "I knew you'd say yes." He undid the belt, yanked the zipper down, pulled the pants lower, and reached up to pull Alexander's shaft out. He licked up the length a few times, getting it all slicked up, before pumping it at the base and taking the tip into his mouth. 

Alexander moaned loudly, quickly slapping his hand over his mouth. He placed his other hand on Thomas's shoulder.

Thomas closed his eyes, sucking lightly as he bobbed his head and slowly pumped what he didn't reach with his mouth quite yet. 

"T-thomas~... please..." Alexander moaned out, trying to thrust into Thomas's mouth.

Normally, there was no way in hell Thomas would allow anyone to mouthfuck him without prior consent. But, seeing as it was an act he kind of got a sick thrill out of, and he wanted Alexander to cum soon anyways, he'd allow it. As a matter of fact, he welcomed it, reaching up to grab on to Alexander's ass cheeks and pull the smaller man forward so his dick would force its way in further. HIs eyes peered up at Alexander, dark and lustful.

Alexander continued to thrust into Thomas's mouth, pleasure surging through him. But he soon stopped once the familiar warm feeling appeared in his hips and stomach. He stopped thrusting in.

Disappointed, Thomas groaned around the cock in his mouth and returned to bobbing his head. He didn't flinch when Alexander nudged at the back of his throat--god, it had been forever since he'd done that. But he let it get a little messy this time; as he bobbed his head, he let a little drool slip down his chin. It gave him a desperate-to-please, needy look that was undeniably sexy. He knew that, of course. He figured he knew every trick in the book by now. 

Alexander winced and looked up to the celing, moaning loudly, but still holding in his release. He was going to win this bet. He had to. He began to shiver from the multiple sensations throughout his body

Thomas kept at it, his hands still squeezing and kneading at Alexander's tender ass. His hands found previous prints, inciting memories of their activity before.

"T-t-thomas! P-p-please!" Alexander begged as much as he could, but he continued to hold it in. He prayed to hear Sally's sweet voice come through the door. He knew he couldn't tell Washinton what happened. Most because he practically can't lie to him. "T-thomas!!"

Thomas locked his lips around the base of Alexander's dick, giving one hard suck before there was a knock at the door and Sally did indeed say through the wood, "Dinner's on the table, boys." Thomas, never one to give up so close to the finish line, returned to bobbing his head and sucking with a vengeance. 

Alexander sighed in relief at Sally's voice. He covered his mouth to conceal the loud moan that escaped his throat as he released inside of Thomas's mouth, seeing white infront of him.

Thomas pulled off quickly enough that half of Alexander's release dripped down his bottom lip and chin, mixing with the saliva already there. That mess, combined with the look of his eyes and his panting breaths, all contributed to one hell of a sexy creature. Slowly, sensually, he licked what he could off his lips, then wiped off what he couldn't reach. He licked the cum off his hands, too, like it was the best thing he'd ever tasted. All while keeping eye contact with Alexander. 

Alexander panted heavily, shaking from holding in his orgasm. He looked at Thomas and grinned. "So.. who won?" he teased.

Thomas grinned and got up to get dressed. "In a way, I think we both won." He grabbed some clothes without paying too much attention to what he picked out. "Buuut...I'll talk to Washington." He pulled on a shirt. "Might even suck his dick, too." He started buttoning the shirt. "Not because I didn't do my homework. Just cuz I can."

"Slut.," Alexander smirked, pulling his jeans back up and redoing the belt. "Thank you for going to talk to him, though."

"Yeah, yeah. But you owe me now." Thomas finished getting dressed and went to fix his hair quickly in the vanity mirror before heading for the door. 

"Oh? And how might i repay you, Jefferson?" Alexander laughed, quickly following behind Thomas.

"I'm sure I'll think of something during dinner," Thomas replied with a rakish grin as they walked over the same beautiful rug as before. 

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