Chapter 31: The one near Thomas's house

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Herc and Laf seemed so heavily absorbed in each other by now that they didn't even check to see if their friends were following. "I guess that suit's gonna have to wait," John said, watching the pair. 

Alexander giggled, watching them as well. "Well, I was right. They are cute together."

"Yeah, but it can't last forever. I gotta get them home." John hurried ahead and said to Laf and Herc, "Uh, guys, our exit is this way." He headed toward the exit that would take them to the car. Laf and Herc followed, still deeply involved with each other.

Alexander quickly followed, intertwining his fingers with John's. 

John led the whole group out of the mall and to the car successfully. "Now I'm actually scared they'll screw in the back seat," he joked to Alexander


"I will gladly sit in the back if you want." Alexander laughed. "After all, I doubt I can legally sit in the front seat anyway... given how tall I am." He groaned playfully.

"You think I'd condemn you to the backseat? No way. We need to stand united, up in the front seats." John unlocked the car, popped the trunk, and carefully put the clothes in the trunk. 

Alexander laughed loudly, throwing his hands up. "Well, Alright." He walked up to the passenger's side, opening the door, hopping in, closing it, then buckling his seatbelt.

John got in the driver's seat, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. "Alright, Laf, whose house am I taking y'all too--I mean, you guys. Shit." He preferred not to be reminded that he had been born in one of the deepest hell-pits of the south. But he slipped up occasionally. 

Alexander giggled slightly. He looked down at his lap and tapped his foot anxiously.

"Mine," Lafayette responded. John shook his head and put his hand on Alexander's knee to keep him calm. 

Alexander tensed at the touch but put his hand on John's.

John said quietly, "You know, if I ever do too much, tell me, alright? I don't want to make you upset."

Alexander nodded. "I understand... you aren't like Thomas, anyway... I know you won't do anything to upset me...."

"Never on purpose." John squeezed his knee slightly. "I just wanna make you happy and healthy, you know that, right?"

Alexander's cheeks heated up. "Yeah... I know."

John smiled and remained quiet until he dropped Herc and Laf off. "Do you wanna grab your stuff at your house or just use the guest stuff at mine?"

"I use the guest stuff." Alexander shrugged.

"Alright, cool." John dug his phone out of his pocket. "Could you text Henry and ask him what my mom's doing?" Henry was his younger brother. Only six years old and already rearing to follow in his father's footsteps. 

Alexander nodded, taking the phone and opening it. He then quickly texted Henry. "Hey! It's Alex. I'm with John right now. What is your mother doing?"

A few seconds passed before Henry responded, "She's getting ready." That was all.

Alexander furrowed his brow, writing back; "Ready for what?"

The response was 'Idk', which was, of course, very helpful. Another text came through: 'Probly for another book club or somthng'. Though he made mistakes, he was pretty good at texting for such a young child. He was smart enough to make use of the intelligence John often ignored in himself. 

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