Chapter 20: The one in the locker room.

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Alexander crossed his arms across his pale, thin, bare chest. He began to tap his foot impatiently, once again. He let out a few shaky breaths.

Thomas began to drift in a slow circle around Alexander, picturing everything he could do to him. Once he got behind the smaller man, he leaned down, careful not to touch him, and asked softly, "Have you thought about me? At night?"

Alexander looked down at the ground. "Y-yeah." He confessed. "I h-have..."

"Uh huh..." Thomas bit his lip, withholding a grin. "And what was I doing to you, huh? In your thoughts." He ran his fingertips down Alexander's side.

Alexander took a sharp breath. "Y-you... you jacked me off u-until I c-c-c-came... then sucked me.... then proceeded to... f-f-fuck me." he mumbled softly.

"Hm...I mean, we've got nothing but time right now." As Thomas spoke, he leaned down and breathed lightly on Alexander's neck, the warm breath brushing against the tender skin. His hand slid down so his fingertips pushed between the top of the towel and the bare skin of Alex's stomach.

Alexander leaned slightly against the taller man. "T-Thomas..." he whispered softly, placing his hand on top of Thomas's.

"Drop the towel," Thomas commanded softly. "Nobody's gonna see us."

Alexander nodded quickly, moving his hands to remove the towel. He let the fabric drop down to the floor. He looked down to the ground, his blush returning.

Thomas moved back around him and spat on his hand before reaching down to wrap his fingers around Alexander's shaft. Slowly, torturously, he began to pull and push and twist.

Alexander moaned softly. He looked back at Thomas, innocence filled his eyes. "T-t-Thomas... please... f-faster..." he begged.

"No way. I'm wringing every minute I can out of this," Thomas replied, voice as soft and gentle as before. "And you can either shut up and enjoy it, or take care of yourself while I go and start flirting with all your friends."

Alexander panted slightly, but nodded, leaning against Thomas once again. Moans and groans continued to escape his throat.

Thomas' free hand began to fondle at Alex's balls, squeezing in time with every pump of the shaft. "God. Listen to you..."

Alexander winced slightly, but continued to moan, squirming under Thomas's hands. 

"You know, I might wanna record something next time we fuck in my room," Thomas murmured, somehow managing to keep his cool through all of this. Well, externally. Internally, he was going wild. He ached for Alexander like all those nights before. 

Alexander took a sharp breath, shaking his head 'no' at the ideas of getting filmed while Thomas was smashing into him. "N-no.." he moaned out.

Thomas leaned in and kissed him for a moment. "Calm down. I'm not posting it anywhere or anything. It's just for you and me..." He kissed him again, jacking him off faster.

Alexander moaned louder. He thought for a moment, before cautiously nodding. "O-okay..." he stuttered. He continued to squirm. "T-Thomas.. a-another class is g-g-g-gonna come in soon." He moaned out.

"Mm. Fine. Should I suck you off or slam you against the locker and fuck you like you oughta be fucked?"

Alexander panted softly. "F-fuck me, Thomas.. please, please fuck me." He begged, once again. "Fuck me until I scream your name...."

Thomas grinned and pushed Alexander up against the lockers. "Now, I don't have any lube, but..." He went to the sixth locker and opened the lock, then reached deep into the back, behind where a piece of the metal had risen up to create an effective hiding place. "...Laf made the mistake of telling me where he stashes his." He pulled out the little tube of lubricant and returned to Alexander. "I don't think he'll mind."

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