Chapter 21: The one with John

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Alexander hugged himself tightly as he walked through the hallways, ignoring the glances of the students around him. He looked down to the ground, realizing then how much he had acted like a puppy to Thomas. A puppy that does whatever it's master tells them to do. It was shameful. He thought.

As one might see, as technically intelligent as Thomas was, he was also a bit of a dumbass. No, really, he was a very, very big dumbass. His natural response to a bit of a bump in whatever sort of relationship he had with Alexander was to approach none other than John Laurens in the hallway after his next class (which he did not skip in favor of hiding out in the library, not at all) and coo, "Are you going to the pep rally?" John fairly easily ignored him--actually opened his locker hard enough to knock the door straight into Thomas' smug face. But Thomas was used to this, and so he leaned back in time, laughing quietly. "Wow. You're almost as bad as Alex." John scowled and shoved some books in his locker, muttering, "Don't call him that." Thomas grinned. "Why not? Gonna get your daddy to email my mom or something?" At this, John tensed up. His relationship with his dad was uncomfortable as he came close to coming out, and he most certainly didn't want to talk to him about something so stupid as that. Again. Because he'd made that mistake back in eighth grade when Thomas had outed him to a couple of other kids. He'd told his dad there was a 'mean rumour' that Thomas had started and that was the end of it. He didn't really know if his dad had found the rumour out or not, but things had been uncomfortable since then, and he didn't want to make it worse. So now, John just shoved the rest of the books in his locker and snapped, "Go away, Jefferson." 

Alexander continued walking down the hallway, only stopping when he heard John voice. 'Go away Jefferson'. He snapped his head up, looking straight at Thomas and John. "J-John? T-Thomas?" He stuttered.

Thomas bit his lip but ignored Alexander to say to John, "No, I don't think I'll be leaving. Because I'm about to make an offer you can't refuse. Literally. If you refuse it, your life is over. You'll be worse off than...what's his face, over here. Come to the pep rally with me. be my arm candy" He gestured vaguely to Alexander. John's eyes hit Alex immediately, face lit up pink under the freckles as Alex approached, and he was too distracted by his friend to utter more than a stuttered "O-okay." 

Alexander hardly heard what Thomas said, but stopped in his tracks at the sight of John blushing. What? "J-John? W-what's wrong?"

John cleared his throat and shrugged. "U-uh, nothing?" His voice cracked--Thomas had slipped his hand onto his waist. Thomas, not looking amused or interested as he gave Alexander a once over (like he hadn't just pounded this boy's ass in the locker room), said, "You heard him. Shoo. You're drawing flies."

Alexander held back tears at the sight in front of him. "Fine. Just... fine." He mumbled as a single tear began to run down his cheek. He turned back and began to walk in the opposite direction.

"Alex, wait!" John said, pushing Thomas away to chase after Alexander. Thomas scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Really? You're chasing him? Let me spoil it for you, he's still garbage."

Alexander turned back around when he heard his name. More tears streaked down his face. "What do you want, Laurens?"

"I..." John started, glancing briefly back at Jefferson before looking back at Alexander. "I didn't mean anything, Alex. He started flirting with me."

Alexander felt his heard drop. Of course, he thought. "I-it's Okay..." he mumbled. "Do you... just want to skip class? W-we can talk in the bathroom if you want." He shrugged.

"Um..." John glanced back at where Thomas was still watching them, going from disinterested to pissed at an alarming rate. Still, when he turned back to Alexander, he mumbled, "Yeah, alright. C'mon." He knew which bathroom the teachers wouldn't look in. 

Alexander nodded softly, not even thinking about look at Thomas. He quickly followed John. Should he tell John about what he and Thomas have done, he thought. Would it be okay?

John led Alexander into a rarely-used bathroom while Thomas stormed off to find James, or Laf, or really anyone that wasn't Alexander. Fucking Alexander. God, he was even worse now than when they'd acted like they hated each other. Maybe because Thomas had started peeling back a couple layers of his feelings for Hamilton, leaving him sort of soft and vulnerable to things like jealousy and hurt. 

Alexander sighed when he was in the bathroom, sitting down on the floor. "If I tell you something... do you promise not to get mad?"

"Um, go ahead," John said, dropping his bag on the sink and sitting next to Alexander. "And you know you can't make me mad, Alex."

"M-me and Thomas... it..." Alexander sighed. "We were paired together for an assignment and I went home with him. Y-you know about my crush on him... everyone knows... well... we..." he choked on his words. "We did it... it... and... we did it again in the locker room... b-but I realized... he doesn't stop when I tell him to stop. He doesn't listen to me... it's like he just wants me for fucking sex and nothing else." Alexander tightly hugged his knees. "It's like he has total complete power over me and... I'm scared that if I say no before we even do it.. he'll... h-h-he.." tears slowly streaked down Alexander's cheeks.

"Oh my god," John murmured, reaching out automatically to take Alexander's hand. It was a habit he'd picked up early on in their friendship. "God, I should've known he was up to no good. Should we turn Herc on him? You know he'd kill for you."

Alexander froze, before softly nodding to his friend. "Y-y-yeah... i-i... i-i'm scared, John..." he whispered, choking back another sob.

"Hey, hey, honey. It's gonna be okay." He pulled a crumpled handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Alexander's cheeks. "Look, I'm gonna text Herc right now." He pulled his phone out and started typing. "It's gonna be okay, Alex."

Alexander sighed brokenly, leaning his head against the bathroom wall. "W-w-what the hell did I get myself into...."

"Um, an abusive relationship with possibly the biggest asshole in school?" John replied, sending out the text. "But don't worry. You know Herc'll take care of it." He took Alexander's hand once more. "Thomas isn't getting out of this easy."

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