Chapter 19: The one with the missing clothes

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Alexander walked up to the bleachers where Thomas's was sitting. He sat next to the older man. "You can laugh if you want." He chuckled softly.

"I'd laugh if it wasn't so depressing," Thomas replied with a dramatic sigh. "Look at that. I get a man and he can't even handle a couple of balls."

"I'm sorry." Alexander rested his hand on his chin. "I... I just suck at dodgeball. That's all." he sighed.

"Noooo, baby," Thomas cooed teasingly, slipping his hand into Alexander's. "It was entertaining, at least."

Alexander chuckled. "I guess it was," he admitted, smiling weakly at Thomas.

Thomas grinned at him before going back to pretending he was writing notes. Actually, he was doodling his name and Alexander's, over and over again.

Alexander didn't bother to look at what Thomas was doing. He tapped his foot impatiently. Just wanting to get back to the locker room, change, and leave gym class.

Gym class passed by as slowly as the class before. Somewhere in the time, Thomas realized what he was doing and flipped the page to write a thousand-word essay on why he was an absolute idiot despite all his charms.

Once the coach announced the end of class, Alexander stood up, and walked to the locker room, wanting to get out so badly. He quickly rid himself of his gym clothes before stepping into the locker room shower to get cleaned up.

Thomas actually didn't follow him to the locker room, surprisingly. That would've meant having to see a whole bunch of guys undressing near his Alexander. So, instead, he went to flirt absently with the coach, the only teacher he knew for a fact was gay. He had suspicions and circumstantial evidence for the other teachers. 

Once Alexander finished his shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist, walking back to the main part of the locker room, to find it empty... and his gym clothes missing. "Shit." He mumbled. Alexander looked around the whole locker room, but his clothes were nowhere to be found. 

Von Steuben was not interested, of course, so Thomas rolled his eyes at him and went to go wait by the locker rooms. 

Alexander heard footsteps outside of the locker room. he slowly peeked out. His eyes widened when he saw the familiar Virginian. "Thomas! Please... help me," he whispered

"What?" Thomas asked, glancing over to see if the coach was watching before walking into the locker room. "Oh, god, don't tell me you wanna screw in here. No. Fuck no. I'm not getting athlete's dick over your horny ass."

"No! Please! Thomas, not now! My clothes were fucking stolen." Alexander explained.

"Aaaaah. Okay." Thomas tried not to laugh. "Alright. Who do you think took them? I mean, I know, it must be hard to narrow it down to who hates you the most."

"Shut up, Jefferson." Alexander groaned. He thought for a moment. "Probably Reynolds or Lee." he shrugged.

Thomas wrinkled his nose. "Ew." Those were two boys he was sure had never laid eyes on soap or deodorant in their lives. "Might wanna just let those clothes go. I can get Sally to buy you some new ones and bring them to the front office." He was sure that money could solve all problems.

"... alright." Alexander nodded softly, he tightened the towel along his waist.

Sally picked up on the second ring and immediately agreed to do Thomas this solid, just this once. After listening to the woman for a moment, Thomas asked Alexander, "What are your sizes?"

"Just small." Alexander shrugged, pacing around the locker room.

"Okay. Fine." Thomas sized Alexander up, then started rattling off sizes to Sally, the sizes he expected Alexander to be. Sally started lecturing him about...something. He stopped listening and instead just ogled Alex some more, gaze appreciative and leering. He started listening again when Sally said, "I know you're doing it right now. Stop. Treat that boy right." Thomas blinked and asked, "Huh?" He could almost sense the maid rolling her eyes. Sally said, "I said, stop looking at that boy like he's a piece of meat." Thomas scowled and shook his head. "I'm not." There was a very heavy silence on the other end, so he sighed and asked, trying to make up some face, "And how do you know I'm doing that?" Sally shot back, "I know you, Thomas. I'll get the clothes up there in twenty minutes, tops." She hung up. Thomas started muttering about how she had no right to talk to him like that...even if she was totally right. He really was checking Alex out in a situation like this. Once again, he felt a bit of guilt. Finally, he asked Alex kind of awkwardly, "You...okay, Alexander?"

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