Chapter 7: The one where the rocky road begins

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Alexander gulped softly. "O-okay."

Thomas leaned down for another kiss, his lips full and flush against Alexander's.

Alexander quickly melted under Thomas. "P-p-please... just f-fuck me already." He begged, cautious and unsure if Thomas wanted to go faster.

Thomas pulled back, eyebrow arched and lips bowed into a frown. "Wow. Desperate, aren't you." He didn't sound very amused about it. 

"S-sorry." Alexander stuttered, sinking into the bed. He felt a blush grow immensely along his cheeks. 

"Well, I guess, who wouldn't be desperate, when sex from me is on the line?" Thomas grinned and got his own pants down again.

Alexander nodded frantically. "Y-y-yeah." He watched Thomas desperately.

Thomas smirked almost coldly. "Get on your hands and knees, Hamilton. Facing away from me. Ass in the air."

Alexander nodded cautiously, not saying a word, and obeying. He sat up from the bed and positioned himself on his hands and knees, his ass in the air. He made sure to face away from Thomas. His breathing hitched slightly.

Thomas grabbed his phone from the bedside table and snapped a couple pictures of Hamilton from behind, grinning to himself. "Man. Jemmy's gonna love this. He wouldn't believe me otherwise."

"W-w-what?" Alexander stuttered. "I th-thought you said not to t-tell him about this.."

"/You/ can't," he corrected him with a bit of a frown and an arched eyebrow. "I can do whatever the hell I want. What? Are you gonna stop me?"

Alexander quickly shook his head. "N-no... I won't, T-Thomas."

Irritably, Thomas swatted Alexander's ass. "For such an ugly person, you do have a nice ass," he admitted, then worked to get his condom on. "I've gotta admit that."

Alexander yelped quietly. "Th-thank you.." he mumbled. He looked down at the soft silk bed sheets under him.

"Uh huh..." Thomas muttered, trying hard not to shake as he got the condom all the way down to the base of his shaft. At this point, he absolutely craved Alexander. Still, he poured some lube onto his fingertips and rubbed it over Alexander's entrance. "I'm gonna stretch you first."

Alexander nodded. "O-okay." He stuttered. 

Thomas wasn't going to bother working Alexander up. He started out by pushing two fingers deep into the younger man, the digits battling against the tightness. "Christ. How am I supposed to fit in there?"

Alexander yelped out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "Sh-shut up.," he mumbled, desperately wanting more.

"I've fucked fleshlights looser than this," Thomas muttered, digging his fingers in as deep as he could to press on Alexander's prostate and make this all better.

Alexander moaned out loudly. "O-oh g-god~~" he stuttered.

"Listen to that..." Thomas cooed, halfway sarcastic. He licked his lips. God, that was a pretty sound. "For all the bullshit comes out of that mouth daily, you sure can sound pretty. I think I'm rubbing off on you, Hamilton."

Alexander blushed immensely as moans continued to escape his lips. "T-t-thomas~~"

"That's enough of that..." He removed his fingers from Hamilton's ass, then worked extra lube over his condom-covered cock before pushing the head of it into Alexander. He couldn't fit much farther.

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