Chapter 50: The one with Thomas, one last time

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Of course, as he tended to do, Thomas got a bit of a sense that somehow, somewhere, Alexander was feeling off. He texted him, 'Hey, baby. Are you still at Laurens'?'

Alexander quickly got the text, responding; 'no..'

'Uh oh. Where are you, then?'


'God damn it, baby. Where am I picking you up?'

'you dont need to pick me up. im walking to my apartment.'

'Yeah, that's a long way away. I dunno if you can handle burning that many calories. You won't have any left.'

'just... be quiet...."

'Fine, but only so I won't be texting while driving.'

'....what do you mean?'

'I said I'm coming to get you. I know where his house is.'

'Thomas!! I said no!!!'

'Baby, you're gonna pass out if you go on like this.'

'i....i don't care if i do. im walking home'

'Alexander god damn it.' He pulled over to text him. 'I care if you pass out, Alex. Especially considering you're on the side of the damn road.'

'I'm going to be okay, Thomas!!! The time you actually care about me, i don't need it!!!'

'I always care about you, dumbass. I just don't know how to show that. It took god damn years to figure out how to take care of James. It's gonna take some time.' 

'just leave me alone.'

'Aw hell no.' He started driving again.

Alexander looked down at the ground, sitting down on the road.

Thomas' car pulled up eventually and he stopped a few feet away from Alexander. He got out only wearing a hoodie--Gucci, of course, jeans, and sneakers. The outfit was less 'I'm better than you' than most of the things he wore. "Anybody try to run you over?" he asked. 

Alexander looked away from Thomas. The boy still wore Hercules's baggy shirt over his body.

"Come on, Alex. If you wanna go home, I'll take you there."

"I don't even know where i want to fucking go, anymore!!!!"

Thomas held his hand down for Alexander. "Come on, baby. I'll drive you around til you figure it out."

Alexander wiped his eyes, standing up by himself instead of taking Thomas's hand.

"And jesus, take that shirt off." He pulled his own hoodie off and held it out to Alexander.

He took a step back and shook his head frantically.

"Come on, baby." He really, really did not like Alex wearing another man's shirt. "Please?"

"N-no..." Alexander whimpered. "I like it...."

"Honey," he said gently. "It's got a cum stain on it." 

"Wait, what!? Where!?" he yelled, looking down at it.

He poked Alexander's stomach. "Right there."

He looked down at his stomach.

Thomas flipped his finger up to tweak Alexander's nose, then laughed. "I can't believe you fuckin' fell for that. Oh my god."

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