Chapter 33: The one about Alexander's health

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Thomas held his hand and squeezed it. "How long can you stay?"

"I-i don't know..." Alexander whispered. "I'm g-going to sleepover at J-john's..."

"Oh, well." Thomas pursed his lips. "Try not to call him my name when he inevitably sucks your dick."

Alexander's eye widened. "H-he wouldn't d-do th-that..."

"Alex, let's be honest. That boy would do whatever you want and you know it."

Alexander tensed before nodding. "I-i know..."

Thomas shifted so he could sit up a little better. "I mean, hell. He took you up here to see me."

Alexander nodded. "I-i know... B-but... that is because he w-wanted to help me..."

"Yeah, because he loves you. God. Why I ever thought you'd be my intellectual competition, I have no idea."

Alexander groaned. "At least I know how to write an actual essay and not a few paragraphs on why Macaroni is the best food." he teased.

"It's the best damn food on this planet and everybody oughta figure that out," Thomas replied adamantly. 

Alexander rolled his eyes. "No. Coffee is the best." he grinned.

"If coffee's a food," Jefferson said, "then I'm ugly."

"You're not ugly, and I have Coffee every day as if it is food."

"Yeah, that's changing. Go get John."

Alexander tensed. "B-but..I want y-you."

"Nah, nah, baby. It's still you and me. But if you're gonna spend the night with him, I gotta lay down some rules. Go get him."

"L-like... bring him b-back here?"

"Yeah. Isn't he waiting outside or something?"

Alexander shrugged. "I-i'll go see." he mumbled. He then slowly got off the bed and began to walk towards the door.

Thomas thought about commenting on Alexander's ass but figured he was already on thin ice. Sure enough, John was a bit down the hall, on a bench, playing around on his phone and waiting for as long as he had to. 

Alexander sighed. "J-john.... T-thomas wants to see you..." he mumbled under his breath.

"Uh, tell him I'd rather eat Mr. Washington's ass than talk to him."

"John. Not now... please..." Alexander said quickly.

John studied Alexander for a second, trying to figure out if he was for real. Finally, he said, "Fine." He took a deep breath and got up, heading into the hospital room.

Alexander looked down to his shoes before following John back into the room. "H-here, t-Thomas..."

John stood near the door, arms crossed over his chest. "What do you want, asshole?" Thomas rolled his eyes. "Make sure Alex eats and sleeps tonight. I know, you're just barely able to take care of yourself--I mean look at you. Cargo shorts and a beach tank? I'd rather die." John scowled. "I'd rather you died, too. I can take care of Alex."

"C-can we not fight.... please..."Alexander pleaded, continuing to glare at his shoes and the hard floor of the hospital.

Jefferson shrugged. "I'm not fighting. Just making observations. And demands. Take. Fucking. Care. Of. Alex." John snapped back, "You're one to talk about taking care of Alex." 

Alexander gasped softly, listening to the two. 

Thomas frowned. "Just go. Your freckles give me hives." John looked ready to absolutely slaughter Thomas, but he touched Alexander's arm and mumbled, "I'll be in the hall," before leaving the room.

Alexander stood still in front of Thomas's bed. "That... wasn't nice, Thomas...."

"He wasn't very nice either."

"You both weren't nice!!" Alexander spat.

"Blame your friend. He's kind of bitchy," Thomas muttered, looking away. 

"S-s-shut up, Thomas..." Alexander whispered as he fidgeted with the hem of his jeans.

"You know, just forget about that fight, alright?" Thomas seemed to soften. "C'mon, darling. Lay with me a little longer before you have to go."

Alexander felt his whole body tense, before nodding and moving back onto the bed, laying beside Thomas.

Thomas shifted to hold him as best he could. "Gonna miss you." He then began backtracking. "Maybe. Might not. Count on me not missing you." His backtrack was not convincing in the slightest.

Alexander sighed softly. His legs squirmed slightly. "I-I understand..."

Thomas went quiet for a while, just holding Alexander and trying to ignore the ticking of the clock on the wall. Ultimately, it was a nurse that brought him out of his quiet. She entered the room, pushing a cart, and cheerily said, "It's time for your night medications, Thomas!" Thomas wanted to bitch her out for interrupting, but he had to ask himself, what was she interrupting? All they were doing was laying together. So he just sighed and said, "Yeah, yeah. Fine."

Alexander pulled away from Thomas when the nurse came in, giving him space.

The nurse said to Alexander, "Visiting hours end in a few minutes, young man. Are you family?" As she spoke, she administered a shot or two to Thomas' iv. 

Alexander froze. He felt his heart drop. "Uh..." he looked over to Thomas.

Thomas would've responded tactfully, but he was already falling under the influence of the medicine. He snorted and muttered, "God, I hope not..." The nurse nodded and continued on to say, "Are you his significant other? I'm sure I could stall for more time if you want it. But he'll be out cold soon."

Alexander looked up at her, hesitating, but nodding softly. "Yes... I am, ms."

"Alright, then, you've got until about a quarter past the hour. That's about when we switch shifts and you'll get kicked out anyways." She took the syringe from Thomas' iv and threw it into a trash can on her cart. She then left the room and the couple. 

Alexander sighed, relaxing against Thomas's arm.

Thomas kissed his forehead and didn't pull back; he was falling asleep like that. 

Alexander sighed, closing his eyes.

Thomas fell asleep like that, clutching Alexander with his lips to the smaller man's forehead. 

Alexander sighed, only continuing to relax against Thomas's injured Body. "I love you..." he whispered.

Of course, there was no response from Thomas, but his body seemed more relaxed. Outside, the sounds of the hospital amped up as nurses said their goodbyes and hellos.

Alexander sighed, not wanting to move from his spot with Thomas. He kept his eyes closed.

No one came to check on Thomas for a whole, so no one was there to tell Alexander to leave.

Alexander, himself, slowly began to fall into a deep sleep, letting out a happy sigh as he cuddled up to Thomas.

Even when a nurse came in later to check Thomas' vitals, he didn't bother Alexander. 

Alexander was sound asleep in Thomas's Arms.

John still waited outside, tiredly scrolling through his phone. He only left for a moment, to get his phone charger from the car.

Alexander was, once again, still sound asleep, not even wanting to move from the spot.

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