Chapter 22: The one with the group

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Alexander chuckled slowly. "I-i-i understand..." he whispered, squeezing John's hand. "Th-thank you..."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it." John smiled at him, freckled cheeks heating up for a moment before the expression fell. "Are you alright, though? Physically."

Alexander froze. "There... a-are hand prints.. th-they hurt... and... it... I-is just sore... e-everywhere." He sighed. "H-h-he said.... he was gonna spank me later for being b-bad..." he mumbled.

John's face darkened and he cleared his throat, looking away. "But, um, anything you should go to the doctor for? I'm worried about you."

Alexander shook his head quickly. "I don't need a doctor...." he mumbled, burying his face in his hands. "M-make sure that Hercules makes Thomas pay.... p-please...."

"Alright, alright," John said, pulling his phone out to text Hercules again. A second later, a quick succession of texts hit his phone and his eyes widened. "Oh, shit!"

Alexander snapped his head up. "What? What happened?!" He asked, his breathing getting irregular.

"Well, uh..." John glanced up at Alexander, looking uneasy. "This could be good, so calm down...but Laf had Herc's phone. He got the first text and asked the teacher if he could use the bathroom. So...Laf's going after Thomas now and Herc's going after school." He rubbed the back of his neck. "So Thomas is getting wrecked mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically today."

Alexander calmed down slightly, smiling. "Okay..."

John smiled at him. "Now, um, do you need to stay the night at my house or something? In case he tries to come to your place? My parents just redid the guest room and everything." He was honestly just worried about his friend keeping safe.

Alexander shook his head. "I-I will be o-okay..." he promised. "I can go back to my place, lock my door and windows..."

John nodded and looked back at his phone. "Oh, shit. Peggy Schuyler's already live streaming Laf going after Thomas." He watched for a second, then drew breath between his gritted teeth. "Angelica's after him too." He scooted over to show Alexander the battle going down. "I haven't seen Jefferson look so scared since we got unexpected rain." He'd been worried about his hair. Onscreen, Lafayette and Angelica were double-teaming Thomas; Laf had launched a verbal attack in mile-a-minute French and Angelica matched his pace in English, both absolutely eviscerating everything about Thomas. Thomas was pressed back hard against the lockers, skin a few shades paler than usual and jaw tight as he glanced between the two. John murmured, "I don't think he'll make it through all that."

Alexander chuckled lightly. " i-is honestly w-w-what he gets...." he mumbled, looking up to the ceiling.

John laughed a little. "I don't think Angelica even knows what this is about. But I guess she'd take any excuse to go off on Jefferson." He shrugged and leaned on Alexander's side, watching the screen. 

Alexander smirked. "Yeah, she is like that." He giggled, followed by a sigh. "I... I am kind of tempted to go out... just to watch them...." he mumbled silently

Well, a teacher just caught them, so I guess we can watch the fight after school." He put his phone to sleep. "He's gonna get his ass kicked."

Alexander chuckled. "Sure... h-hey... when is lunch?" He asked, sitting up straighter now at the mention of food.

"The bell rings in about two minutes," John said, glancing at his watch. "We should probably head out." He got up and grabbed his bag. 

Alexander nodded softly, standing up as well. "O-okay." He grinned widely, feeling like a weight was taken off of his shoulders.

John brightened up immensely at the sight of his friend grinning like that. He slipped his hand in Alexander's and started pulling him out of the bathroom. 

Alexander glanced at his and John's hands as he wasn't led out into the hallway. He slowly began to intertwine their fingers.

John noticed this, and it made him smile softly to himself. It wasn't that he necessarily wanted more than friendship with Alexander; he just really, really missed being so close with him. With anyone, really. Even with rowdy, touchy-feely Lafayette, and bear-hugging Hercules, he didn't really get much contact. 

Alexander squeezed John's hand in a way that said 'thank you', as they continued to walk.

By the time they reached the cafeteria, Lafayette had already talked his way out of trouble and was sitting with Hercules at their usual table. His eyes locked on Alexander when the young man came into view, and he squeezed Hercules' arm to get his attention. Herc looked up and immediately straightened up.

Alexander looked at the two of them... they knew... he let go of John's hand, and slowly sat opposite of the 2.

John sat with Alexander, and silence held the table for a moment before Herc reached into his coat pocket and passed Alexander two candy bars. Lafayette said, "Alex, mon ami, I'm sure you heard about what's happening after school today." As if in response, Herc cracked his knuckles. Usually, his muscle mass and body shape gave him a teddy bear-ish appearance, but now, with the prospect of beating the shit out of someone who'd hurt Alex--especially Thomas fucking Jefferson, he could come off as a terrible threat. "Three o'clock," Herc said. "Behind the school." He paused. "If you wanted to watch, I mean."

Alexander happily took the candy bars, biting into one slowly. He nodded at the reminder. "I understand." He mumbled. "...d-don't go easy on him...." 

"You know I won't, Alex," Hercules said, absently slinging his arm over Laf's shoulder. They weren't together, but they were both very affectionate people by nature. Laf grumbled, "Shithead's family can afford funeral bills, non?" Herc cleared his throat. "Maybe not that far." But then he shrugged. "But who knows?"

Alexander giggled. "Y-yeah.. not that far... but I h-have been to his house. he could definitely afford funeral bills."

"Hospital bills, then," Laf compromised, leaning into Herc' side and stealing one of his fries. "Put him in the hospital, mon ami." Herc nodded. "That, I can get away with."

Alexander nodded. "That would be good..." he chuckled, looking down at his lap. "I... i-if he knew that I liked him so much, why did he bother d-doing.... this?"

John shrugged and said, "He's just an asshole. He wanted power and he took it from you. It's not your fault, though."

"I-i understand...." Alexander mumbled, tapping his foot anxiously. "I... i-i need to go to the bathroom," he said, standing up.

"Alright. I'll go ahead through the lunch line for us, now that it's emptied out. What should I get you?" John asked, standing. 

Alexander shrugged softly. "Just mac and cheese." he smiled weakly, beginning to walk out of the cafeteria and towards the bathroom.

"You got it." John went up to the line.

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