Chapter 37: The one in the bed

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Alexander slowly walked in behind her. "H-hi Thomas."

"Hi, honey," Thomas said, smiling at him. He didn't sound very good. 

Alexander tilted his head."Are.. you okay?"

"Yeah, they just lessened my doses today. C'mere." He shifted over in bed. Sally, having paused in the doorway, said, "I'll go down and ask about your medication." She left them.

Alexander moved to lay in the bed, beside Thomas. Once sally left, he said. "Th-thank you for doing what you did with me in the locker room..."

"Yeah. Of course." He turned and pressed his lips to Alexander's hair. "Missed you," he admitted.

"I...I missed you too..... s-sir..." Alexander sighed.

"You like calling me that, huh?" He sighed and relaxed a bit. "Says a lot about you," he teased.

"Sh-shut up..." he mumbled.

Jefferson laughed slightly and kissed Alexander's forehead. "Don't worry, baby. I'm into it."

Alexander nodded softly. "O-okay s-sir."

"Sally got you coffee, right?" He ran his fingertips up and down Alexander's arm. 

Alexander nodded. "S-she did..." he shivered at the touch.

"Good." He kissed Alexander's cheek, then winced as his leg spasmed. 

Alexander frowned. "A-are you okay...?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He took a deep breath. "Just dandy."

"Are you sure, S-sir?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sally's making sure I get my medication right now."

Alexander nodded slowly. "I-i-i don't want y-you to b-be loopy... i-i-i like you t-the way you are, right now..." he whined.

"I'm pretty sure they won't give me the fun stuff anymore. Don't worry." He gave him a kiss. He hurt too much to bother playing games.

Alexander nodded, once again. "O-okay, S-sir.. I w-won't worry..."

"Good. Why couldn't you always have acted like this?" He really, really loved having his ego stroked, and Alexander's behaviour suited this endeavour well. 

Alexander whimpered. "I-I don't know, S-sir..." he whispered.

"I would've taken you home a lot quicker if you had."

Alexander tensed, but nodded. "O-okay..."

"And that would've led to, you know..." He pressed his cheek to Alexander's head. "This. Being close."

Alexander whimpered. "I-i understand, s-sir.."

Thomas went quiet for a moment. Sally returned to say, "They'll be in, in just a minute."

Alexander closed his eyes. "It better not be the h-hard stuff..." he whispered.

"No," Sally said. "It's weaker than before."

Alexander weakly smiled. "Th-that's good."

"Yeah, ah--" Sally glanced into the hallway. "I'll, um, leave you two to each other." She hurried out.

Alexander sighed once she left. "T-Thomas...."

"Uh huh?" He said, glancing at Alexander. His fingers still traced up and down the smaller teen's arm.

Wasn't Meant To Be : Jamilton [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now