Chapter 28: The one with clothes

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John walked with him as Laf and Herc started collaborating on absolutely everything on Alexander they would change.

Alexander grinned, intertwining his and John's fingers as they walked

John kissed his cheek tentatively, then asked now that the other boys were distracted, "Um, do you wanna do a movie night tonight like we used to?" Quickly, he added on, "My dad's not supposed to be home until late, so it won't be weird or anything. I just, you know. I don't wanna leave you alone."

Alexander said nothing, only nodding and squeezing John's hand once again.

"Really? Cuz I've really missed hanging out with you." John's heart was fluttering like crazy. Okay, yeah, maybe he had it super bad for his best friend. 

Alexander grinned, nodding once again. "I've missed you too, John..."

John grinned and looked to the side, all giddy now. He just wanted Alex to feel good again. Laf dropped back and said, "This is the plan. We go to Ralph Lauren. Buy you clothes. Hercules fixes them."

"Understood." Alexander nodded, smiling at the Frenchman. "Thank you all for doing this, by the way..."

"Of course," Lafayette cooed, pinching his cheek lightly. "You deserve to look good, mon ami." 

"Did you really have to pinch my cheek, Laf? I'm not a child anymore." Alex pouted, rolling his eyes.

"You're the size of one, oui?" Lafayette pinched Alexander's side, grinning before kissing Alexander's cheek and taking his hand to pull him toward a store. John held tight to Alexander's other hand. 

"Hey! You know how I feel about my height!" Alexander argued back. He would have continued if he wasn't pulled by Lafayette towards a store. "Great, now I have two men holding my hands. This is exactly how I wanted this day to go." He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"I could be holding something else of yours," Herc said almost boredly as he followed the three. Laf glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow and so did John. Neither looked amused. 

Alexander froze, looking at Hercules. "Oh? Really?" He asked.

John scoffed. "Are we all just gonna be together now? Just one foursome?" Laf shook his head. "Non, non, I'll leave Alexander to you." Herc nodded. "Yeah, me too. Laf's already too much to handle."

Alexander laughed. "Let's face it, John has to handle me, and Herc has to handle Laf. In the end, Laf and I are both immature immigrants who need to be taken care of."

Laf nodded, grinning. "Exactly." He let go of Alexander as they entered the store. "Go wait by the dressing rooms, Alex."

Alexander giggled. "Alright. Want to come with me, John?" He asked, turning to the other boy.

"Where else would I go?" John walked with Alexander as Herc and Laf began to build outfits for Alexander.

Once they reached the dressing rooms, Alexander sighed, looking deeply into John's eyes. "I really have missed you..."

John shyly averted his eyes. "Yeah. I know, I kind of got awkward there for a while, because my dad was home more than usual and all, and then, you were preoccupied, and--" He looked back at Alexander. "I'm sorry."

"No no no, don't apologize..." Alexander whispered, cupping John's cheek. " never need to apologize."

John placed one hand over Alexander's, glanced around to check that nobody was watching, then asked, "Can I kiss you, Alex?"

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