Chapter 16: The one at school

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Alexander closed the car door and walked into his building. He wiped the remaining tears from his eyes as he climbed up the stairs to his middle-class apartment, fiddling with the key to open it. "Home sweet home," he mumbled to himself as he walked in. It was nothing like Thomas's house, which was practically a mansion. Dirty clothes were scattered across his apartment, on the floor, on the couch, everywhere. He hadn't mustered up the energy to clean it up. He sighed softly and walked into his small bedroom. He crashed on the bed with a thud. It was nothing like Thomas's bed, which was soft, cozy, and smelled like the older man. His bed, however, smelt like trash and sweat. Alexander sobbed softly into his mattress, not bothering to change into his night clothes as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Thomas drove home through the darkness and tried desperately to ignore the growing ache in his chest. He didn't want to miss Alexander as he did. He didn't want to give him that level of power. But here he was, parking at his house and thinking about how empty it looked without Alexander with him. He went instead, tactfully ignoring his mother in favour of secreting up the stairs and to his bedroom. But oh, fuck. All he could think about was Alexander in that bed. So Thomas did something he hadn't done in years. He entered his bathroom and, fully clothed, curled up in his bathtub to sleep.

After a few hours of restless sleep, Alexander groaned, stepping out of Bed. Thoughts of Thomas clouded his thoughts and dreams. He didn't want to feel it. He couldn't feel it any longer. Thomas had hurt him before, so what is the difference now. He stomped out of his room to his kitchen, quickly grabbing a strong bottle of vodka from his cabinet. He didn't bother to get a glass, putting the top of the bottle to his lips, and letting the burning sensation of the alcohol speed down his throat. He had to relieve the pain. Thomas would never truly love him, it was over. The older man just wanted him for pleasure. That was all this was.

Thomas couldn't find sleep until three in the morning when he finally pulled the bellpull on the wall and Sally, half asleep, shuffled into his bathroom and laid with Thomas in the bathtub, as she had years before. Thomas curled up to her, feeling sort of like a lost little kid again. It was better with Sally there, though. Everything about the young woman was familiar, from her scent to her embrace. With her hand stroking his hair and his head against her chest, he found the actual desire to fall asleep. Not for long, though. When Sally had to get up and get to work at six in the morning, he had to et up, too. He didn't mind, though. He kind of just held on to Sally until it was time to get ready for school.

Alexander collapsed after he finished his second bottle of vodka. He managed to pick himself up off of the dirty floor of his apartment building. He looked at the small miniature clock of his door. School starts in a few minutes. He had time. He quickly ran all around the house in search of his backpack, only to remember that he left it at school. He trudged his way out of his apartment, hangover in effect. He continued to walk down his apartment building, to the street, and eventually to school.

Thomas had sort of been planning to pick Alexander up, but by the time he left, he figured Alexander would've left already. So he just headed off to school, ignoring the glaring emptiness of his passenger seat. By the time he arrived, he had almost succeeded in ignoring Alexander's absence.

Alexander looked around his school, unsure what he was looking for. He looked down at the ground the whole time, wanting to hide away from the rest of the world. he could practically feel the stares of other students around him. Alexander walked faster down the hall. He eventually realized who he was really hiding from, the familiar Virginian. He prayed that they wouldn't find each other. He just wanted to get to class.

Thomas didn't really search Alexander out anyways, preferring instead to look for Jemmy. When he found out his friend was in before-school study hall, he ended up doing the worst of the worst things he could've done. He actually searched Aaron Burr out. Yeah. That kid. Since Jemmy was out studying and James Monroe was skipping today, he ended up with that ugly junior-level nerd and his nefarious schemes. Even walking to class with him was tiresome.

Alexander only looked up from the floor every few seconds. But he did for much longer when he saw Thomas... with Burr? What was happening? Didn't Thomas not like burr? Are they fucking? Are they dating? Are th- Alexander quickly looked back down to the ground, hoping Thomas didn't see him staring. He set off to his first class.

Thank fucking god his assigned seat was far from Aaron's, so he was able to escape him. But however, that meant he had to sit down next to Alex. So instead, he went up to Mr. Washington and started bullshitting his way through an excuse as to why he didn't have his homework done.

Alexander froze when he saw Thomas talking to Mr. Washington. He quickly sped past the two, accidentally bumping Thomas's arm, as he did. He didn't bother apologizing and sat down in his assigned seat.

Thomas felt that bump like an earthquake through his entire body, but he kept up with the excuses, leaning now on the teacher's desk and half-smirking. Of course, Mr. Washington wasn't amused, nor did he buy fully into the flirtation. As a matter of fact, he made sure to shift his desk picture of his family toward Thomas as the young man broke away from his excuses to ask if he was working out. Thomas knew when to quit, so he quietly finished, "Look. Can I have an extension, Mr. Washington?" The teacher sighed and rubbed his shadowed jawline, then nodded. "Yes, fine. I know you usually do better than this, and I'm disappointed in you today. But you've got until tomorrow before the late penalty kicks in." Thomas grinned at the teacher, straightening up. "Thank you, sir." ...Sir? Really? God, what had become of him? Thomas shook his head slightly at himself, then hesitantly moved to sit into his assigned seat.

Alexander tuned out Thomas and Washington while they had their conversation. He looked down at his desk, tempting to fall asleep on it. He didn't bother to avert his eyes as Thomas sat down, only whimpering slightly.

Thomas hesitantly reached out and patted Alexander's leg under the desk. It wasn't even sexual. He was honestly making an effort to comfort Alexander. 

"Hey..." Alexander mumbled after a few seconds, weakly smiling at the older man. He placed his hand on top of Thomas's. "How was your night?"

Thomas shrugged, looking at the front of the classroom. "It was fine, I guess." He glanced briefly over at him, then away again. "I would've driven you to school, you know."

"O-oh... it would have been fine.. I just walked." Alexander sighed, looking over at Thomas. "I want to thank you again.. for all of yesterday night... it was amazing.." he smiled.

"Yeah, well..." Thomas looked back at him and offered a grin. "I'd like to continue like that."

Alexander chuckled. "Oh? How so?" he teased, placing a hand on Thomas's thigh.

Thomas pulled his leg out of Alexander's reach, laughing quietly. "Calm down. I'll take you back to my house after school. Maybe you can help me with my homework." He winked suggestively, not realizing the class had gone silent around them.

Alexander laughed softly, nodded slowly, before turning to face the front, glancing over at Thomas, occasionally.

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