Chapter 3: The one where they get to Thomas's house

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Alexander moved his hands to his face, covering it. "I-i.....I Just..." He looked out of the window. "Th-this is your house? W-woah."

Thomas nodded, pulling around the back of the house to drive into the garage. "Yeah, it's our biggest family heirloom, I guess." He shrugged and came to a stop inside the garage, turned off the car, and got out. He grabbed his bag out of the backseat.

Alexander smiled widely and hopped out of the car. He didn't have his bag with him.

Thomas left the garage through a side door. "That used to be the carriage house." He sounded bored, even as he led Hamilton through a garden that looked as though it had taken years of cultivation. Flowers burst from every available surface except for the path itself, and a layer of green poked out wherever it could. 

Alexander looked around. "W-woah...This place is amazing..." He followed Thomas.

"Sure, I guess." Thomas rolled his eyes as they entered the house, going directly into the kitchen. 

A young black woman was there, putting out sandwiches on a tray. 

Thomas broke back into a grin, dropped his bag, and went over to slip his arm around her waist, crooning, "Hi, Sally..." 

She easily shrugged him off. "Hi, Thomas. Keep your hands to yourself." 

Thomas scowled and snatched a sandwich for himself and one for Alexander. He held it out to his school friend as Sally asked, "Who's this?"

Alexander politely took the sandwich and held out his hand to Sally. "My name is Alexander Hamilton. There are a million things I haven't done, but just you wait." He smiled widely.

The woman smiled at him and shook his hand. "Sally Hemings. It's nice to meet you. If you need anything, just ask me." 

Thomas rolled his eyes and practically strutted out of the kitchen, halfway pissed that he wasn't the focus of the room.

Alexander grinned and waved at Sally before following Thomas to where ever he was off too. "So, where are we going to work on this shit of an assignment?" He asked.

Thomas bit into his sandwich, purposefully leaving crumbs on the floor so Sally would have to clean them up later. After swallowing, he shrugged. "I don't know. I guess my room would work just fine." He headed for the staircase in the second foyer. 

Alexander nodded, taking a bite of his own sandwich, making sure /not/ to leave any crumbs. He followed Thomas, once again. All of this was so strange to him. The mansion, having a maid, everything.

The staircase was grand, the dark wooden banister thoroughly polished and the rug on the top landing spotless. Thomas turned to the left and walked down a hall. Along the walls were portraits of family members not important enough to hang over any of the fireplaces in the house. His portrait was the last, painted for his sixteenth birthday, two years ago. Those two years had done a lot for him, looks-wise. He'd grown into his broad shoulders and accepted how big and beautiful his hair could be.

Alexander looked around at all the portraits. "That... this is amazing, Thomas!" He exclaimed.

Thomas glanced at the portraits and shrugged like they were nothing. He looked back at Hamilton. Now that, that was worth something. Alexander was worth several nights spent lying awake, boiling in his own rage and doing unspeakable things with the thought of Alexander as fuel.

Alexander smiled widely. And continued to follow Thomas.

Thomas led him into his bedroom, which was spacious and lavish, like the rest of the house. He put his bag down on the bed and sat down next to it. "Anyway, what is this debate supposed to be about?"

"Well, it is about slavery in the 1700-1800s, and whether it was good or bad. Personally, I believe it is bad, but I am not sure how you feel about it. Anyway, as I said in school, I highlighted the parts in the notes for both c-...." Alexander looked to the ground.

Thomas patted the space next to him on the bed. "Come here. And I'm gonna regret saying this, I know I am, but please, /continue/." 

Alexander's eyes widened. He sat down slowly on the bed next to Thomas. "Okay!" he chirped. "So, I managed to highlight the parts in all the notes for both cases of agreement /and/ disagreement of the slave trade. Once again, I am not sure of your viewpoints.... so, what do you think of it?"

Jefferson shrugged. "I don't see a problem with making a profit." His wandering hand found Alexander's thigh once more. He was not about to actually focus on his work.

Alexander's breath hitched for a moment. "Alright... s-so that would be a problem. I wonder if Washington would allow our assignment to focus on both the tasks." he thought

"Hm. I'll bet between the two of us, we could convince him to do anything we wanted," he replied, hesitantly leaning forward to press his lips to Hamilton's neck. "Keep talking."

Alexander's breath deepened. "O-o-okay. So.... the slave trade was quite a big deal in that century as well, so, I was thinking that we could look at some history videos or articles online and see what they were thinking back then."

"Uh huh." Thomas nipped at the skin of the immigrant's neck, his hand moving to brush over Alexander's crotch. "Sounds good..." He'd already decided they could just do this later. He had more important things to do than one stupid assignment like this.

Alexander moaned silently and continued. "S-s-so... I remember from h-history class that there was some politician that was totally for s-slavery, but apparently wrote: 'A-all men are created e-equal' on the d-declaration, so, maybe w-we can r-research him a bit..."

"Alex, I'm gonna be honest," Thomas drawled, letting that coat of honey drip over his voice. It was the tone he used to get what he wanted, and it always worked. "I don't care about that right now." He nipped at the lobe of Alexander's ear. "Can you guess what I do care about, though?"

Alexander tensed. "M-me?" He looked down at his crotch, he was getting hard once again.

"...sure." Thomas rolled his eyes and started undoing Alexander's pants. "How about we take a break from this, and I give ya a real reason to get so hard?"

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