Chapter 24: The one with the distraction

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Alexander tensed, backing up slightly when he saw Thomas. Anxiety quickly drowned his brain. "H-herc..." he whispered 

Dad-friend mode kicked in for a moment and he stopped to say, "Go talk to the librarians. Keep em distracted as long as you can. Got it?"

Alexander nodded frantically, walking over to the two librarians, sitting at their desks. "H-hey..."

Both librarians, an older woman and a younger man who acted as her trainee/assistant, looked absolutely delighted to speak to Alexander. They knew he was a bright young man. Meanwhile, Hercules approached Thomas' table, not even bothering to sneak up. No one at the table was paying any attention anyway. Thomas was too busy texting Sally and James was too busy mooning over Dolley. 

"Um... I was wondering what both of you think... about the revolutionary era for America? It is for a project." Alexander glanced his eyes over to Hercules for a split second, then back to the librarians.

"Oh, it's a wonderful time to learn about," said the elder librarian. "We've got over a hundred books on the subject, from biographies to little elementary-level nonfiction books." Light filled her eyes and she stood. "As a matter of fact, we just got a new book on it! It's not in circulation yet, but you're more than welcome to take a look at it until lunch is over. Would you like that?" Neither librarian noticed when Herc tapped Thomas on the shoulder and said, "Hey, we need to talk." Thomas looked up from his phone, rolled his eyes, and got up. "Fine, fine. I get it. Defend Alex like the big old bully you are." He sighed and headed for a more secluded area of the library, trying to keep his confidence up. "Let's get this over with. And try not to aim for my face."

Alexander grinned slightly. "Th-thank you, miss. That would be nice."

The elder librarian went into the large storage closet that held their supplies and such, and after a moment, called to the other librarian, "Can you come help me find it?" He got up and went to help her search, leaving the library unsupervised.

Alexander quickly looked over to Hercules, giving a small nod, mouthing the words 'go for it'.

Herc mouthed back, "Do you wanna watch me take him down?"

Alexander nodded softly. 'Be careful..."

Herc had Thomas cornered, out of sight of any camera and out of reach of any door. It took him less than a second to drive his fist into Thomas' stomach.

Alexander tensed, watching from afar and smiling weakly.

For all his pretty muscles, Thomas didn't stand a chance against Hercules. Herc beat him to a pulp. 

Alexander grinned slightly at the sight in front ignored him, before turning back to the librarians. "D-did you find it?" He stuttered.

"Yes, dear," said the older librarian, putting down a massive book about some immigrant revolutionary hero named Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Alexander's eyes widened at the Book. Although it was meant as a distraction, the Book seemed quite interesting. "Thank you, miss."

"Oh, of course. Enjoy it," she said kindly as Hercules left the corner of the library. 

Alexander grinned, picking up the book and hugging it tightly to his chest as he walked over to Hercules. "Hi."

"Hey." Hercules rubbed his knuckles with a smirk. "Somebody ought to call 911."

Alexander chuckled. "You didn't kill him, did you?" and put the book on the table near the door.

"No way," Hercules said, shaking his head as he headed for the door. "But I'm shocked he's not screaming."

Alexander chuckled. "Yeah... I thought he would be"

"He might be out cold. I, uh, did kinda slam him into a bookshelf." The young man looked almost sheepish, but then he remembered just why he'd smashed Thomas' head on a bookshelf and the regret disappeared.

Alexander giggled solemnly, but it faded. "I-i still can't b-believe he did that to Laf and I..."

"I know. I had no clue about Laf..." Hercules absently rubbed the back of his hand. This, of course, was usually where Lafayette's own hand rested. "I know they couldn't have gone that far, but still...A couple of those punches might've been for him."

Alexander nodded. "I... think I might talk to him about it later..."

"He'd probably like that." Hercules glanced over at his friend, broad shoulders kind of curled in and normally bursting-at-the-seams personality quieting down to a sad, almost fearful full-body expression. He just didn't like that Laf hadn't told him something so...important. "He'd probably rather talk to you about it than me, anyway."

Alexander shrugged unsure of what to say for a moment. "That isn't true... he just probably found it hard to talk about... but realized that... He and I were both affected by Thomas... so maybe we can talk to me to let more out... but yeah..."

"Yeah, yeah." Hercules sighed. "I just hope he's okay. And you, too. Yeah."

Alexander chuckled. "Thank you, dude."

Hercules nodded as they headed back into the lunchroom. Laf and John were texting each other pictures from across the table. 

Alexander sighed, sitting next to John, Across from Lafayette. "Hey."

Lafayette reached across the table for Alexander's hand. "How did it go, mon ami? How do you feel about it?"

"Well..." Alexander began. "he was in the library, and Herc told me to go over to the librarians and distract them... so I did. I... the saw Hercules punch Thomas over and over, and eventually throw him against a bookshelf." He smiled weakly. "It...was good..."

"Kicked him a couple times, too. Definitely broke a leg," Herc added, unable to help himself. He couldn't always help his friends in most ways, but he could always step in and beat the shit out of their problems, and that made him feel a little more useful.

Alexander rolled his eyes. "It is so like you to do that though." he sighed. He then looked over to Laf. An idea came into his head. He quickly took out his phone and texted Laf.
'If you need anyone to talk to... i'm here... -AH'

Lafayette looked at his phone and texted Alexander back a second later.

'Mon ami, there is no reason to sign your texts. I have your number saved. But I know you are here for me. Always a good feeling to have good friends.'

Alexander chuckled softly. 

'It is just habit. And that is good.'

"I'm always here for you, too," Laf sent back, along with a smiley face. 

John leaned on Alexander's side and said, "I can hear an ambulance. They must've found him."

Alexander nodded knowingly. He looked around the cafeteria. "So much has happened today..." he mumbled.

"Yeah, but we'll get through it. We always do." John scrolled through various social media, looking for updates on Thomas. "Damn, Herc. You really are unstoppable." He'd found a picture of Thomas being rolled to the ambulance, and he did NOT look good.

Alexander leaned back against John. He moved his hand to rest on top of John's, softly. "We're already all getting through it..."

John sent Laf the picture, put his phone to sleep, then laid his cheek on the top of Alexander's head. "Uh huh. You're gonna be fine."

Alexander nodded, shifting his legs under the table.

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