Chapter 25: The one where they plan the makeover

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John was quiet, kind of just enjoying the closeness with his friend. He'd missed it. A lot, actually. 

Alexander softly rubbed the back of John's hand.

"So, um, I'm thinking of getting another turtle," John said after a moment. He already had six pet turtles; had his family not had space to house an aquarium-sized tank for John's pets, his adoration for the creatures would almost be considered an unhealthy addiction.

Alexander rolled his eyes, chuckling. "You don't need another turtle, Jackie." He teased.

"Sure, I do," John replied, laughing softly. "And I'm gonna name it Alex the Fourth." Alongside his habit of collecting turtles, he also had a bad habit of naming them after his friends. One Lafayette, one Hercules, two (soon to be three) Alex's. "Besides. It would be a rehabilitation for the little guy. Dr. Garden," he said, talking about the zoologist he'd helped over the summer, "really can't hold another turtle. I'd be helping. I swear."

Alexander laughed. "You probably already have more turtles than him. And why name another after me?"

"Because. Aren't you always goin' on about how your legacy has to go on? Maybe your legacy is in rehabilitated turtles." John grinned at Alex. 

Alexander's jaw dropped. "Oh hell no." he laughed. "I want my legacy to be passed on through my writings and story. Not turtles, John." he thought for a second. "Or.... maybe /you're/ my legacy, John."

John snorted and looked away, trying to hide his blush. "Oh, shut up. You and I both know you'll have a super great legacy." He shrugged. "And it probably won't involve me."

"Aww, be quiet. It will involve you! You're my best friend, John! And I will always be here for you!" The immigrant smiled widely.

John shook his head and leaned back into Alexander's side. "You're gross, Alex. Seriously. Even worse than me."

"No, I am not!" Alexander argued back. "I'm not gross!" he turned to Laf and Herc. "Am I gross?"

Laf shrugged. "Your hair could use a wash and a style." Herc added, "So could your clothes." John scoffed. "I didn't mean gross like that."

Alexander gasped dramatically. "How dare you all! What kind of friends are /you/!?" he laughed.

Laf laughed. "The kind that care about you, petit lion." he reached out for Alex's hand. "How about this? We give you a makeover, keep your mind off today's events."

Alexander chuckled. "A makeover?" he thought. "Sure, why not." he laughed.

Laf grinned; this was something he would enjoy. "Good, good." Herc added, "We could just skip the rest of the day." He was always willing to skip classes. "You know. Go to the mall or something."

Alexander sat up straighter, nodding. "Sure!" 

Laf easily shouldered his bag and Herc took everyone's lunch trays to toss out. John got up, saying, "We can take my car."

Alexander nodded, clinging to John's arm, tightly, not wanting to let go. "That sounds good."

John was very obviously flattered by Alexander's will to hold on. He knew he gave his heart out with embarrassing ease, but the knowledge didn't prevent the action when there was no desire for prevention in the first place.

Alexander looked up slightly at John. He smiled weakly at the Carolinian. "Thank you, John.... for helping me in the bathroom." He whispered.

John shrugged like it was no big deal, but by god, his cheeks were on fire. "Course I'd help you. I mean...I care about you, man."

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