Chapter 48: The one where they stay friends

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Alexander shifted now and then, slowly waking up after a few hours, groaning in pain.

By that time, Lafayette and Hercules were elsewhere in the house, having fun by themselves under the veil of alcohol. John was sitting at the other end of the couch, legs pulled up underneath him, and lazily smoking a joint. When Alexander stirred, he glanced over at his best friend and smiled to himself, an automatic reaction to the sight of him.

He rubbed his temple. "Son of a bitch," he grumbled in pain, sitting up. "Aaah... Hangover... do you have anything?... like... advil?"

John nodded slowly. "Yeah...probably. Here." He held out the joint. "Hold this for me."

Alexander took the joint in his hand and held it in one hand, rubbing his temple with the other.

John got up and meandered into the kitchen, returning a moment later with Tylenol and a glass of sweet tea. "Here." He sat them on the coffee table and plopped heavily back down on the couch.

Alexander quickly took the medicine and handed the joint back over to John as he took the tea in his hands.

He took the joint and took a hit off it before holding it out to Alexander. 

"I'm fine..." he sighed, looking down. "What did I do....? when I was drunk?"

John withdrew the joint and put it out carefully on the knee of his jeans before laying it down on the coffee table. " sucked Laf's dick." He shifted to lay on his side more, his head resting on the couch cushion so he could look at Alexander. "That's all he told us."

Alexander's jaw dropped. "What!? No I fucking didn't!!!!!"

"You did. Whenever he and Herc get done screwing, you can ask him." He reached out and absentmindedly brushed away a lock of hair that had gotten stuck to Alexander's cheek.

"no no no no no no no..." Alexander repeated the word over and over. "Did he say I could!?"

"I mean, Herc and I got outta there as quick as we could." His accent, which he usually tried so damn hard to hide, was thicker when he didn't have enough functioning brain cells to control it. "But knowing Laf, he wouldn't put up with, you going down on him without permission."

"Oh my god...i....after he's done with Hercules, I need to talk to him."

"I mean, he seemed alright..." He glanced over his shoulder. "But who the hell's talkin' like that...?" He paused, then looked back at Alexander. " that me? God damn it..."

"Oh god, you're high now." Alexander groaned, laying back down on the couch.

John scoffed. "I'm...not that high. You're just too sober." He reached out and fixed his pants-leg. 

"You're definitely high, John." Alexander groaned.

"Well..." He picked up the joint and his lighter and held them out to Alexander. "Join me."

"Uhhh... No." he said quickly, standing up and walking away from the other.

"What?..." He looked confused, then shrugged. "Fine." He got up. "I'm...I'm gonna go check on my turtles. I guess." He headed for the stairs.

Alexander sighed, thinking over what John said. Did he really blow Laf? God, what was this going to do to their friendship?

He really did check on his turtles, but he ended up crying next to their enclosure as his high faded. Somewhere in the hours, Alexander had been out, John's dad had called to 'check up on him', meaning he was making sure his son wasn't hanging out with his 'bad' friends. He'd been able to tell John was lying about his friends being present. John dreaded his father's return, tomorrow, all the way to his core. He'd gotten high to avoid the dread for a few minutes since Alex wasn't there to distract him. 

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