Chapter 38: The one with the outburst

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Alexander moved his hand up to Thomas's hair, not touching it. "M-m-may I?"

Thomas hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, go ahead."

Alexander combed his fingers through Thomas's hair. "S-s-soft..." he whispered.

Thomas wet his lips and closed his eyes, sharply intaking breath when he felt Alexander's fingers in his hair. Shakily, he managed, "I-it's...felt better."

Alexander closed his eyes as well. "Thomas..."

Thomas stayed still, chest rising and falling quickly. He felt the urge to knock Alexander's hand away, but he didn't. He swallowed hard and allowed Alex to continue touching.

Alexander realized that change in Thomas's breathing, "are... are you okay?"

Thomas nodded quickly, eyes still shut. "Yeah, I'm good."

Alexander frowned, removing his hand From Thomas's hair.

Thomas shook his head. "Nah, nah, baby. It's alright."

"You don't seem comfortable with it..." he whispered.

"Alexander. You know damn good and well that I wouldn't let you do it if I wasn't comfortable with it."

Alexander hesitated, before combing Thomas's hair, once again. "Y-you can tell me to s-stop when you want..."

"You know I will..." He relaxed, biting his lip in response to the touch. 

Alexander gave a soft nod.

Thomas took a deep breath and relaxed slowly under Alexander's touch.

Alexander weakly smiled. "I love you..."


A few Months Later

Alexander sat down in his class, staring over at the door, he knew yhis was the day that Thomas was scheduled to return to school. He knew it. A grin was plastered on his face.

Thomas was massively excited to be back in an intellectually stimulating environment, but he wouldn't let that on to anybody. Well, maybe he'd tell Alexander. He texted him, 'I'm here!' and waited for a response. Sally shot him a look. She'd driven him to school, not trusting him to drive with the boot cast--his last cast--he had to wear, and she did not have time to idle in the parking lot for a silly text. "Thomas..." she warned softly. The teen huffed and opened the door, muttering, "Yeah, yeah." As he hauled himself out of the car, he quietly called her something he shouldn't have. Sally called, "I heard that." Thomas just slammed the door, hobbled back to the trunk, and grabbed his crutches before heading into the school. A hall monitor tried to stop him, since he was late to class, but once she realized who it was, figured she'd better not.

The second Alexander received the text, he sat up straighter as his head snapped towards the door.

Thomas walked into class on his crutches, and immediately Washington greeted him by saying, "Your seat's now in the back, Jefferson. By the door." He didn't even look up from his desk. Thomas arched an eyebrow, saucily asking, "Excuse me? Why" Mr. Washington looked up from his desk--the fucker was smirking. "Safety precautions." The class was silent, glancing between Thomas and Washington like an actual fight was about to break out. But Thomas merely gave that smug little laugh, a laugh like a god's, and slowly but surely hobbled his way up to his old seat, next to Alexander. He landed kind of hard in his seat, then cast a little smirk at Alex, then up at Washington, as if daring him to call him out. Washington just sighed and wrote down a note. "That's detention. An hour after school." 

Alexander felt his heart sink. He forgot that he told Washington. He opened his mouth but no words came out for a few seconds. After a while, he squeaked out a "n-no..." to the teacher.

Washington looked up at Alexander. "I'm sorry, Alexander. Would you like to say that a little louder?" Now he was just putting on a show so he didn't seem like he played favourites.

Alexander looked down to his lap. "I-I said n-n-no, sir..."

"Alright, then. I hate to do this, but you have detention as well. Two hours, next Monday." Washington wrote that down. Thomas pursed his lips. "Uh...can you reschedule that to my day? I mean...I'd hate to have to bring this to the school board. It's discrimination, really." Washington looked at him for a moment in shock before asking, "...Son, how in god's name--" Thomas interrupted him to say, "I dunno, Mr. Washington. You're trying awful hard to keep a gay couple apart. And, you know. One of us is mixed-race and disabled," He gestured to his cast, as if that constituted a disability. "And the other one is an immigrant who you seem weirdly interested in. Seems pretty sketchy to me, I don't know." Yes, he really was pulling this card so he could spend detention with his boyfriend. Washington stared at Thomas, really just shocked. The class was, too. Was...was Thomas Jefferson really arguing to spend time with Alexander Hamilton? Washington took a deep breath. "Fine, Thomas. You have the same detention. But I'm the monitor, so keep that in mind." Thomas scoffed. "Sure, sir."

Alexander sat there, staring at both of them. He put his hand on Thomas's thigh. "D-d-don't argue w-with h-him..." he whispered. He then looked up at Washington. "S-s-sir! With all do respect, all I said was 'No'! Why am I getting detention!?" he was truly beginning to panic. "And longer than Thomas!?"

"Because I've had it up to my neck with your outbursts, Alexander," Washington said. "It's not like that was your first." Jefferson arched an eyebrow. "Or maybe you just want an extra hour alone with Alex." Washington never raised his voice in class. Never. He never really felt the need to. Until now. "Mr. Jefferson, that is uncalled for!" He slammed his fist on his desk, startling the whole class, then turned to call the principal. Thomas glanced at Alex and said, "Touched a nerve there, huh? Better watch out, baby."

Alexander stood up straight. "I haven't had an outburst before, Sir! What fucking happened since I talked to you!? You fucking changed! You really have sir! I am sorry if I am acting differently right now than I used to! I am sorry that I don't act like your child anymore! I am fucking sorry that I am not fostered by you anymore! So how about we all just fucking shut up!" he screamed, not bothering to apologize for anything.

Washington felt that like a shotgun to the chest. He spoke quietly into the phone for a moment before hanging up. "Alexander, this isn't something we need to discuss in front of everyone. Maybe you should go to the guidance office." To Thomas, he said, "And the principal wants to see you, Thomas." Thomas glanced at the door, now so far away because he'd wanted to sit with Alexander. "Uh...I can't get to the door." George shrugged. "You should have thought of that before you disobeyed me in the first place

Alexander's cheeks were now stained with tears as he moved from his chair and slammed it against the desk as he ran out of the classroom, keeping the door open for Thomas. He ran as fast as he could to the outside of the school building, where he cried. He cried. And he cried. He cried until his eyes couldn't generate more tears.

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