Chapter 39: The one with John's mother

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A woman was approaching the school, digging around in her white purse as she walked, but she stopped when she heard crying. "Oh--aren't you Jack's friend?" It was John's mother, coming to handle her son's ever-expanding absence from school. "What's wrong?"

Alexander's head snapped up. "O-oh! M-mrs. Laurens, U-uh..." He looked down. "I-i... I-i'm fine, j-just... having a bad day..." that was mostly true.

She dug around in her purse once more until she found a travel pack of tissues, then handed them to Alexander, cooing, "Ooh, here, honey. You need to talk about it?"

Alexander hesitantly took the tissues. "N-n-no, Ms... it is okay... Thank you." He smiled through his tears.

"Alright, well." Mrs. Laurens shouldered her purse and looked maternally concerned. "Are you going home early? Are your parents home?" She didn't know much about her son's friends. Was this the one on his phone, whenever he turned it on? She thought so. 

Alexander felt every muscle in his body tense. "I-i don't have p-parents, Ms... I live b-by myself... M-mr. Washington used to foster me... but he doesn't anymore."

She was appalled. "You're all alone?" The shock quickly flipped over into a maternal rage. "Well, that is just no good at all. You'll have to come with me, then. I can't have you going off alone, not like this." She had a bit of that same frantic caring as her son. 

"N-no, Ms. It is okay! I can m-manage by myself. I-i-if anything, I can a-ask Washington for help..."

Honey, you don't need to be going back to him. I'm sure there's a reason he's not fostering you anymore." She headed for the door to the school. "Come on, sweetheart. I've just got to drop off some paperwork."

"Ms... it is okay... I just didn't w-want to be fostered any more.." he mumbled under his breath

"Whatever the reason, I don't want you being alone. So are you coming with me or not?" She paused, hand on the door to the school. "Jack won't be home if that's what you're worried about."

Alexander paused for a second. Before shaking his head. "I am okay...." he whispered. 

"Alright. Then I'm going to have to talk to this Mr. Washington," she said. "Could you lead me to him?"

He sighed before finally walking over to Mrs. Laurens, and leading her into the school, and towards Mr. Washington's classroom.

She actually was just under a lot of stress lately and taking care of people sort of soothed her. She followed Alexander in silence, reading over the papers in her hands.

Alexander reached the classroom and knocked on the door.

Washington exited the room a moment later, crossing his arms over his chest. "Alexander. I told you to go to the guidance office."

Alexander looked down to his shoes. "I... I was outside crying sir..." he confessed. "But... Mrs. Laurens saw me... and wanted to see you."

Mrs. Laurens nodded. "Yes. Are you aware that this young man is all alone?" George hesitated for a second, then nodded. "Yes, ma'am, and I'm legally not allowed to interfere with that."

Alexander felt his jaw drop. "You... y-you... b-but you fostered me...."

"Yes, but I don't anymore. If I try to control your life, it would be like a stranger is." He sighed. "There are all manner of ways me taking care of you could be mistaken for something illegal. Stalking. Kidnapping, if you came to my house and then tried to leave--if you did that right now, I wouldn't let you leave, just because I'm worried about your mental state." He paused. "But none of that matters if I keep out of your business."

"Says the fucking man that tried to help me when I told him about Thomas!" He argued 

"Alex, there's a difference in assisting a student in a difficult situation and pushing my way back into my former son's life."

Alexander opened his mouth, but no word came out. He looked down to the floor.

Mrs. Laurens said, "So I'll take that as you're not going to help him, then?" Washington nodded. "My hands are tied."

Alexander continued to look down. "Fine... I don't need anyone's help..."

Mrs. Laurens reached out and placed her hand on Alexander's shoulder. "Sweetheart, are you sure? I'm worried about you."

Alexander hesitated before giving a curt nod.

She hesitated, then sighed and gave up. "Alright, then. Should I tell Jack I saw you?"

Alexander then shook his head. "We... haven't talked in forever because of something that happened between us... I'm not sure if he even cares anymore. I don't even know if I can call him my 'best friend' anymore."

"Oh, honey." She placed a freckled hand on his arm. "He's been all sorts of wrong for a few months now. It's to the point where he's getting himself put up in a--" She glanced around to make sure no one would hear, then whispered, "--psych ward. I guess that tiff with you must have set him off like this."

Alexander felt himself tense. "A-a.... a physic ward?" He whispered as genuine concern filled his head.

"Yeah. He's...He's had a bit of trouble, lately." She brushed some hair behind her ear. "He's under observation tonight."

Alexander's hands clenched into fists. "N-no... god.. why..."

"Nothing's happened, don't worry. But he confessed to having some...thoughts...and they're just watching over him tonight."

Alexander nodded, continuing to tense.

"But I wasn't supposed to tell you about this all, though, so don't let him know."

"I understand, Mrs. Laurens..." he mumbled. "Can I Please go back to class now?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Did Jack ever give you my number?"

Alexander shook his head softly.

She scribbled it down on a paper and handed it to him. "If you ever need anything..."

He nodded, turning to Mr. Washington. "May I go back to class, sir?" he mumbled

Washington took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, Alexander. Back to class."

Alexander looked down at his shoes, walking back into the class.

Washington nodded at Mrs. Laurens and closed the door. "Everyone get back to work," he said to the class.

Alexander sat back down at his table and wiped his eyes. He sniffled slightly but managed to sink down a bit in his seat.

Thomas had been removed from the classroom, so Washington was free to teach the class in peace.

Alexander realized he was alone in the class, which made him far more upset.

Washington taught the rest of class like nothing was wrong. He was good at that.

Alexander rested his head on his desk, sighing sadly.

Wasn't Meant To Be : Jamilton [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now