Chapter 9: The one in the pool

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Alexander nodded, quickly following Thomas. He hugged himself tightly, which wasn't that hard. He scanned up and down Thomas's muscular body. "Damn.," he muttered softly. Although he had obviously seen Thomas naked, earlier, somehow in swim trunks, Thomas look like he was sculpted by the gods

Thomas glanced back at him once more as they tread softly on the rugs that covered the upper hallway's antique wooden floors. "What?" His ancestors peered down from the walls as they passed, portraits all in a perfect line. For once, Jefferson didn't automatically assume that any passing praise was meant directly for his body. He knew he was gorgeous. He worked hours and hours to become so. 

"N-nothing!" Alexander shot back, looking down to the wood floor. "J-just... you'rereallyhot." He said astonishingly quickly. He felt his whole body heat up with embarrassment. He had just had sex with his greatest rival, and now he was checking him out. So much had happened that day, he thought.

Thomas' tiredly annoyed face shifted into a grin, the kind of easy-going grin that didn't grace his expression very often. He teased the smaller man, "I know that, Alexander. I'm smart, too, you know." He rolled his eyes and headed downstairs, restraining himself from taking them two at a time so Alexander could keep up. "You wouldn't be so bad yourself if you actually made any effort whatsoever to not look like a homeless toothpick."

"Well, i /am/ practically homeless." Alexander sighed, trying to keep up with Thomas. "and i already know how thin i am, Jefferson. So just shut it." He growled

"Ooooh," Thomas replied, beginning to laugh. "Touched a nerve, huh. Pitiful." He reached up to fix his own hair as they reached the ground floor and passed through the kitchen to get to the outside. With disturbing ease, he ignored Sally's struggle of keeping dinner cooking while mixing up drinks for those she worked for and their guest. He did, however, cast a leering glance at her backside as he exited the house and started down the stone path through the garden. 

Alexander instead didn't follow Thomas outside, staying inside as he saw Sally struggle. "Hey.." He started. "Do you need some help there? I can handle the food while you finish the drinks." He offered to the girl.

Sally shook her head, but her smile radiated gratefulness. "No, but thank you. I'm actually used to this. You go ahead and run after Thomas." She turned to stir a pot on the pristinely clean stove. "Tell everybody I'll bring the drinks out in a bit. I've got to focus on this."

"Alright.." Alexander sighed, wanting to help the lady in some way. "If you need any help, just tell me, Ms." He smiled widely, before running towards where Thomas had walked out, catching up to him.

Thomas was waiting at the eight-foot barrier of rose bushes in the back of the garden. It seemed the roses had grown up over a wall, and Thomas stood in front of an old wrought-iron gate attached to that wall. "What was that, Hamilton? Decided to flirt with the maid?" Beyond the gate was essentially an oasis: a massive pool, glittering brilliantly blue in the sunshine. Surrounding that was a normal backyard's worth of tile, on which sat lounge chairs, planters bursting with flowers, and a stainless steel bar at the back. His mother didn't seem to be out yet. 

"No, I was asking if she needed help because she had a lot to d- woah." Alexander was cut off by the sight of the pool area. 

"Help? She is the help," Thomas muttered, opening the gate and passing through it to reach the pool. "Anyway, this water's going to burn the hell out of your ass. I hope it was worth pissing me off." He casually dipped his toes into the water. 

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Alright." He crossed his arms and looked down to his feet, thinking about how hard sally must be working to please them all.

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