Chapter 49: The one where he leaves

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"..... I feel guilty about.... about everything that happened before I came to America.... about letting my mom die...."

"Sickness can't be helped, mon ami," he said. "You couldn't have helped her. Especially in your condition at that time. Just be glad you survived." He squeezed his hand. "How would you have met us if you didn't live? Good thing, oui?"

"But I could have saved her if I had gotten to America faster..." he held back a few tears.

"Couldn't have done that with your funds. It took your mother dying for people to notice you. Good things," he repeated. 

"What is it worth!? She was all I had down there!!!" he shot back.

"Alex," he replied, reaching up to cup the teen's cheeks. "Listen to me, oui? Everything that has happened to you, good or bad, has led you here. You have us. You have Washington. You have--" He tamped down his disgust. "--for better or for worse, you have your Jefferson. It has all led you here."

His hands moved to Lafayette's wrists, tears going down his face. "I-i...i..." he couldn't get the words out.

"Shh, shh. You don't need to speak." He wiped Alexander's tears with his thumbs. "You'll be okay."

Alexander nodded, only crying softly as he looked down.

"Oh, come here..." He pulled Alexander to his chest and held him close.

That's when he lost it, crying quite loudly into Lafayette's shoulder.

The Frenchman held his friend tightly, murmuring soft comforts the whole time. 

After a minute, the cries died down to soft sniffles.

"Are you okay, mon ami?" He stroked the back of Alexander's head.

He gave one nod as a yes.

Lafayette held on to him, only ready to let go when Alex pulled away.

When He did pull away, he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand

Lafayette patted his shoulders. "You'll be okay, mon ami. I promise."

He nodded once more before looking into the other's eyes.

Lafayette smiled a little at him, still looking concerned. The worry showed in his depthful eyes as he looked back at Alexander.

He sighed, eventually moving his eyes away from the Frenchman.

Lafayette murmured, "Are you okay?" He took his hand again. 

Alexander nodded. "Y-yeah....I'm fine."

"Alright." He squeezed his hand tightly before letting it go. "I just worry about you..."

"I... I know...." he smiled gently.

Laf went quiet for a moment, eyes dropping, before he asked, "Have you texted your Thomas since you woke up?"

He shook his head. "No..." Alexander mumbled.

"Good. Good. I don't want him ruining tonight."

He giggled. "Yeah...I agree."

He asked, "But...what is with you and your Jefferson, hm? Are you still together? After...this?" He reached up and gently touched the bruise on Alexander's cheek.

Alexander looked down at the ground. "I don't know..."

"I guess it is no secret we all hope you don't go with him," Lafayette said sheepishly, looking down. " have my support, no matter what you do."

Wasn't Meant To Be : Jamilton [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now