Chapter 14: The one where they talk

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Alexander's hand rested on Thomas's thigh for a few seconds, before he quickly took it off. "S-sorry!"

Thomas shook his head and leaned in to kiss Alexander, pressing his weight toward the man. He'd get this out of his mind any way he could.

Alexander melted under Thomas. He put his hand on Thomas's chest.

Thomas pressed harder on the man in hopes that he could get him to lay back on the couch.

Alexander eventually did, laying on his back on the couch. He looked up at Thomas. 

Thomas' interest seemed dull, but that didn't stop him from pulling Alexander's pants down and leaning down to suck him off.

Alexander squirmed. "T-Thomas.." He stuttered. "P-please... be gentle.." 

"Shut up," Thomas said before taking Alex into his mouth and beginning to bob his head quickly.

Alexander moaned loudly, before, once again, slapping his hand over his mouth to silence his moans. He tried to thrust into Thomas's mouth.

Thomas let him thrust, focused instead on swirling his tongue and bobbing his head.

Alexander moaned into his hand. "T-Thomas, oh my god~." His back arched, and his eyes screwed shut from the ecstasy that filled him.

Thomas groaned around the weight resting on his tongue. His own eyes slid closed.

Alexander shook under Thomas, continuing to moan loudly, although mostly muffled. He eventually felt the extremely familiar warmth in his hips. He screamed out in pleasure into his palm as he released into Thomas's mouth, fireworks exploding inside of him.

Thomas swallowed what he could and pulled back, wiping his mouth and averting his eyes.

Alexander looked up at the ceiling. "o-oh my god.." he smiled.

Thomas was quiet, eyes on the tv now. He didn't exactly look happy; he needed some time to calm down and recover from today.

Alexander frowned, sitting up and pulling up his pants. He looked over to Thomas. "You know... you look really hot right now," he smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I always look hot, Hamilton. Especially compared to you." Thomas nudged him with a slight smirk.

"Shut up." Alexander laughed. "But seriously.. you really are hot... ever since you first came back from France. That was when we first saw each other, right? I introduced myself after you came back to the school or something?"

"Yeah, that was it." Thomas leaned back on the couch cushions and thought. "I remember that day. I was trying to spend some time with Jemmy in debate class but he'd gotten a stupid crush on that ugly bitch Dolley Payne over the summer and so he didn't wanna spend time on me." He rolled his eyes. "And so I turned to the kid sitting next to me. You opened your mouth and I thought, 'damn. I'm gonna hate this asshole for the rest of my life'." He glanced at Alexander. "The jury's still out on whether I hate you or not."

Alexander rolled his eyes. "I'm not an asshole, Jefferson." He stuck his tongue out at the older boy. "I thought you were a douche when you first debated with me. but I couldn't stop that stupid crush I had on you. How the fuck did you even find out about it? I only told Laf, John, and Herc."

"It was Laf. He'll tell you whatever you want if you fuck him hard enough," Thomas replied with a cheeky grin. He had never actually screwed the exchange student, of course. Just offered to help him 'be more like the Americans' in exchange for info about that excitable little asshole in his debate class.

Alexander's eyes widened. "One, holy shit. Two, remind me to never trust that french fry ever again." He huffed. "I trusted him with that info... and he told you... which led to you relentlessly teasing me... Thomas? Are you going to continue to tease me at school? as if this never happened?" Alexander asked cautiously, unsure of the answer.

"No, it won't be like before," Thomas assured him. "It'll be worse than before, because now I've actually screwed you." He grinned at him.

"Oh my god. What the fuck is worse than grabbing my ass at school?" Alexander looked to the ground, chuckling.

"Hm...Cornering you in the gym showers and sucking your dick. Grinding against you in the lunch line. Making really, really obvious sexual innuendos around teachers. Especially Mr. Washington."

Alexander's breath hitched slightly. "H-holy s-shit... That actually isn't as bad as what I thought y-you were going to say." he laughed nervously.

Thomas arched one thick, defined eyebrow. "Really? What did you think I was gonna say?"

"It was nothing, Thomas.. don't worry about it.." Alexander weakly smiled, desperately wanting to change the subject.

"What? Did you think I was gonna go around, talking about how tight your ass is or something?" Thomas snorted. "I'm keeping this between us. I'm not even sending that one picture to Jemmy. It's for my own, private use." He grinned at him crookedly. 

"No, it wasn't that." Alexander laughed, "I just think that you seem like the type of person who would get both of us in trouble, just for us to be in a room alone together for detention, so you could fuck me. That seems like something you would do." he shrugged.

"Thanks for giving me the idea," Thomas replied, smirking. "I mean, we didn't do our homework, so Mr. Washington's bound to give us both detention..."

Alexander groaned. "That is why I didn't want to tell you, you douche." he crossed his arms, pouting. "And yeah, Washington is going to give us detention, anyway."

"I mean unless you want me to get us out of it..." Thomas bit his lip, thinking of all he could do for their probably sexually frustrated teacher--all in order to make Alex jealous, of course."

Alexander shrugged. "Like... I won't stop you. It is your choice Thomas."

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