Chapter 4: The one where they begin

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Alexander nodded frantically. Okay... this was happening. "O-okay, Thomas."

Thomas grinned to himself, shifting off the bed and onto the floor. "I know, I know..." He undid Alexander's zipper and started yanking his pants down. "I work fast. But we've been dancing around each other since we met, Alex. And we might just be stronger together than apart"

Alexander nodded, preparing himself for what Thomas was most likely going to do.

Once Thomas got Alexander's pants and underwear down, he spat on his hand and began to stroke him off, trying to get him hard enough to take into his mouth. Admittedly, he'd thought about this a lot. He'd spent whole nights thinking about this interaction. And now that it was here, it was a million times more nerve-wracking than it should have been. It wasn't like he hadn't sucked dick before. But this was /Hamilton/. A man he'd been fighting with and flirting with nonstop since the day they'd met.

Alexander moaned loudly. He grasped the bed with his hands until his knuckles turned white. "P-please.... just do it, Thomas!~" He moaned out, desperate.

"Damn," Thomas murmured. "You sure are touchy. What? Been a while?" He was teasing again, but this time, it wasn't really so much to take a dig at Alexander. "Are you clean? Healthy, I mean." He wasn't about to get a disease in his mouth. His mouth was the third most valuable part of his body, after his hair and his ass.

Alexander nodded. "I-i'm clean. And no... I've never had anyone suck me before... your my first.... but please... just do it!"

Thomas shook his head, amused. "You've got a lot to learn." But despite his teasing, he leaned forward and swirled his tongue slowly around the tip of Alexander's shaft before taking it into his mouth. For all his experience, it still took a little bit for him to get used to sucking a guy off. Still, with each bob of his head, he took more and more into his mouth.

Alexander moaned loudly. "T-Thomas!~~" He moaned out. Alexander place one of his hand onto Thomas's hair, gripping it tightly

Thomas gripped hard onto Hamilton's thighs and pulled off, scowling harshly. "Don't touch my hair, Alex. Or else I'll send you home with a hard-on and you'll have to get off by yourself."

Alexander squeaked and took his hand off of Thomas's hair. He instead, gripped onto the bedsheets. "I...i want you to pleasure me, Thomas." He whined.

"Then shut up and let me," Thomas replied before taking Alexander into his mouth once more. He sucked relentlessly, head bobbing at a steady pace as he edged Alexander's member to the back of his throat. 

Alexander, once again, moaned loudly, keeping his hands on the bed as Thomas sucked him. "T-Thomas," He moaned out, "O-oh my god~~" He felt a warm knot slowly form in his stomach.

Thomas looked up at him, dark eyes heated and ringed in dark lashes. He groaned faintly around what was in his mouth, finally allowing himself to savour what exactly he was doing as opposed to focusing on who he was doing it to.

Alexander continued to moan loudly. He felt the knot in him slowly begin to unravel. "T-Thomas... i... I might c-" He was cut off by another moan.

Thomas didn't bother pulling off for a few seconds. He wasn't afraid to get a little messy, at least when it came to sex. But finally, he did pull off, returning to pumping Alexander's shaft. But now, his mouth was open right underneath it, tongue lolling out just a bit to catch Hamilton's release when it came. 

Alexander moaned out Thomas's name one last time as he came onto the other boy. He layed down on the bed, panting.

Thomas caught the release in his mouth, panting as it dripped slightly down his chin before he could swallow it all. He grabbed a tissue off his bedside table, wiped his mouth, and crawled back onto the bed. His mind was a bit hazy, but he was well aware of the fact that he himself was rock hard still, restrained by his designer jeans. 

Alexander looked over to Thomas. He smiled and looked down at Thomas's crotch. "M-may I return the favour?" He asked.

Thomas licked his lips, oddly quiet about all this, before nodding and reaching down to unzip his own pants. His hands shook. Oh, god, why was he like this? Why now did he have to get so weak in the knees? Maybe Alexander had more of an effect on him than he had previously been willing to admit.

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