Chapter 27: The one with the car ride

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Alexander's friends were waiting just outside the doors of the school. Laf was chatting with the resource officer, who was making absolutely no attempt to stop them from skipping. Mostly because John's younger sister's prospective boyfriend was his girlfriend's weed dealer and he didn't want to mess that up, but still, he was not doing his job at all. 

Alexander slowly walked out of the school, seeing his friends almost immediately. "Hey..."

John immediately came to his side, asking, "Are you alright? What did he want?"

"He just asked if something was up... because Thomas and I were acting nice to each other earlier and..." Alexander took a sharp breath. "I told him everything..."

"Really?" John pulled Alexander into a hug. "God. That must have been hell. I'm so sorry."

Alexander quickly hugged him back. "Don't apologize..." he whispered. "It wasn't bad... he was caring... understanding..."

"Really?" John let him go. "I mean, that's good. Let me go get Herc so we can go. He's breaking into Laf's car because he locked his keys in there and he needs his moisturizer or something." He headed off toward the parking lot.

Alexander nodded, looking down to his shoes and standing in that one spot. So much has happened over the past 2 days, so quickly, too fast for his mind to understand. But it has.

Laf said goodbye to the resource officer and went over to Alexander. "That's it then, oui? The boys have left us."

Alexander giggled. "No, Herc is trying to break into your car. And John followed."

"Oh. They're good boys, aren't they." Lafayette bumped his hip lightly into Alexander's, watching across the parking lot as John tried to drag Herc away from Laf's beater, which he was desperately trying to open without damage. "Should I tell Hercules I found my keys, or let him believe he made a big effort?"

Alexander laughed, bumping his hip back. "Let him have his fun, Laf. That way we can tease him about it later."

"Mm. Good idea." Laf grinned as John finally pulled Herc off the car and dragged him back to the other two. Herc looked kind of pissed, but he wasn't about to swing at John. He broke off from John and went to Laf's side, exclaiming just a bit too loudly, "Let's just go already! Damn..." John shook his head and absently slipped his hand into Alex's, pulling him off in the direction of his car with Laf and Herc following behind. 

Alexander blushed immensely at the placement of John's hand. He smiled weakly, allowing John to pull him to the vehicle.

John's car was nothing flashy, but it was clean, and a recent model. He could afford something better (well, his father could), but was kind of more focused on the environmental impact rather than the paint colour or body style. He unlocked the doors.

Alexander's jaw dropped at the sight of the car. Far better than he could ever afford, he thought. He then proceeded to hop into the back seat of the car.

"Ah, no, Alex," Laf said. "You sit in the passenger seat, so Herc and I can sit together, oui?"

Alexander nodded. "Oh! Okay." He grinned, stepping out of the back, and walking around to the passenger side, hopping in.

John groaned as he buckled up. "If you two start screwing in my backseat..." Laf gasped as he got in the car. "How dare you! I was raised well!" John looked back at him. "How many times have I walked into your house to find some college guy--or guys--passed out naked on your couch?" Laf buckled, shaking his head. "My couch is not your backseat, is it?"

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