Chapter 43: The one with the punch

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Thomas hurried upstairs. While he was up there, Sally peeked into the dining room and said, "Will you boys want drinks?"

Alexander bit his lip and shook his head. "N-no, Ms. Thank you."

"Alright, then. I'll be out in the pool yard if you need anything." Mrs. Jefferson was having a 'gathering', as she liked to put it, later that night. Meaning she'd invite her former debutante friends and their much younger lovers and they'd all get shitfaced over mint juleps. "And just a warning. Thomas' mom should be home in an hour and a half."

He nodded softly, smiling. "Thank you for telling me, sally."

"Of course. Have fun." She gave a smile and left the dining room. Thomas returned a moment later with his camera

Alexander looked over at him. "Sally said your mom will be back home in about an hour and a half." he informed

Thomas groaned. "God damn it. We're not gonna have much time, then." He leaned down and kissed his head.

Alexander nodded, biting his lip as he looked up at his lover. "Let's do it quick, then."

Thomas smirked. "Get up, baby." He started the camera up. It was the kind usually used for photography. "Lemme see you undressed. Keep it slow, though."

The immigrant stood up, smirking as he slowly pulled off his shirt and undid his pants.

Thomas filmed him undressing, murmuring, "God, baby, you look good."

Alexander smiled proudly, pulling off his boxers.

With his free hand, he reached out and ran his fingertips down Alexander's side. "And all this shit is mine..."

"All yours, Thomas.." he smirked up at him.

"Damn right." He set the camera down on the table so it could see them both, then started undressing.

Alexander smiled to him, resting his hand on Thomas's neck.

Thomas paused for a second to enjoy Alexander's touch, then continued undressing. 

A smirk pulled on his lips. "How are we going to do this, Thomas?"

"Mm..." He slipped his hands down to Alexander's waist then forcefully twisted the immigrant around to face the table. "Maybe like this?" He kissed Alexander's neck, then his shoulder, lowering himself down the lower he kissed. "Now, baby," he said, dropping down to his knees. He kissed the small of Alexander's back. "I won't do this if you don't want me to. I got lube. know." He kissed just a little lower, to where the top of Alexander's tailbone poked out.

Alexander felt his breath hitch as he realized what Thomas was doing as he kissed down. "Oh god, please, Thomas. Please do it." 

Thomas chuckled lowly. "Damn. Didn't expect you to jump on that." He spread Alexander's ass cheeks and ran the flat of his tongue over his entrance.

A chill ran up Alexander's spine, a soft moan leaving his lips as he was licked.

Thomas kept everything slow and careful. The tip of his tongue circled Alexander's entrance, in full view of the camera.

Alexander slammed his hands down onto the table. "God, Fuck, Thomas!!!~" he moaned out.

Thomas pressed his tongue slowly into Alexander's ass, careful about what he was doing.

"Thomas! Thomas!!!" he groaned on pleasure, looking down.

The camera still caught everything. Thomas started slowly, tortuously tongue-fucking Alexander, trying to get him loose and slicked up.

Wasn't Meant To Be : Jamilton [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now