Chapter 8: The one where his Mom comes home

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Of course, there was a knock on the door within a few minutes. Thomas groaned and called out, "Go away, Sally." But instead of Sally, a soft, high-class southern voice called sweetly through the door, "Thomas, honey, it's me." Thomas shot up, pushing Alexander to the side as he let go a hushed string of curses and got up to yank his underwear on. He then rushed to the door and opened it a tad, standing so he hid Alexander as best he could. He prayed Alex would have the sense to cover up. "Hey, momma."

Alexander's breath hitched slightly. He understood what was happening. He quickly covered himself up with Thomas's soft blanket. His heart was racing at a rapid pace, unsure of when to move.

Thomas' mother smiled up at him, then looked down at his near nudity and frowned. "Well, what's going on? Sally said you had a friend over. Not your normal one, not..." She turned away, tapping her lips as she thought. "Oh, what's that boy's name? The one you were about to--" Thomas interrupted to answer her: "James. His name is James. I wasn't about to ask him anything. And, um," He glanced down at himself, then back at his mother. "Alex and I were about to change and go swimming. We're done with our homework." He had to explain his shirt- and pants-less state somehow, and the swimming pool was the first thing that came to mind. He immediately regretted the lie of choice because his mother gasped and clapped her hands. "Oh, good! I was just about to go sunbathe! I'll meet you boys downstairs, then." She rushed off down the hall, calling down from the landing, "Sally, fix us some drinks!" She glanced back down the hall. "Thomas, does your friend drink?" Thomas resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his mother as he looked back over his shoulder, saying, "I don't know. Alexander, do you drink?" Oh, god. He hated this hole he'd just dug them both. But he couldn't deny his mother without backing out of the lie. 

Alexander bit his lip to conceal laughter at Thomas's lie. A swimming pool? Really? But he knew better than to laugh. "U-um.." he stuttered. "Not that often, but sometimes I do," he answered to Thomas

Thomas flashed him a deviant grin before calling back to his mother, "He sure does. Heavy, too. Tell Sally to give him the hard stuff." His mother laughed in delight at how fun her son's new friend must be before relaying the message to Sally and going down to the opposite end of the house to change into a bathing suit. Thomas closed the door. "Well, prepare to see my mom in a bikini." He went over to his closet to fetch some swim trunks, knowing he had a pair or two from ages ago that would fit Alexander. "Hm...if I make you wear the speedo, my mom's gonna see those gorgeous handprints all over your ass. But you'll look fantastic. But if I let you slide with the normal trunks..." He glanced back at Hamilton. "Well, they'll look almost as bad as what you usually wear." He looked back into his closet, grinning smugly to himself. "Decisions, decisions..."

Alexander blushed, sliding under the covers once again. "Sh-shut up, Jefferson. First of all, i don't drink heavy. Second, please no speedos. And third, a swimming pool? Really?" he teased, peeking his head up to stick his tongue out at the older man.

"Would you rather explain to my momma that we're naked because you were getting your ass pounded?" he replied, begrudgingly grabbing the black swim trunks from back when he was, like, thirteen. "These should fit you." He threw them at Alexander's head, then dropped his own boxers once more so he could change into swimming trunks himself. "It's fine. We can swim for a little bit, drink a little, just to get her off our backs." He glanced back at Alexander. "You do know how to swim, right?" The question dripped with sarcasm and haughtiness.

Alexander laughed. "I know how to swim, Jefferson... and just... let's not talk about 'me getting my ass pounded'." he blushed immensely. He quickly grabbed the black trunks and slipped them onto his frail legs, he then sat up and stood off the bed. He looked over at Thomas.

Thomas got his swim trunks on and glanced back at Hamilton, then headed for the bedroom door. "Come on." He was already making calculations for the future: his mom would see how skinny Alexander was and insist that he stay for dinner. She'd insist that Alexander come over more often for dinner, too. That meant James would want to come over less, which kind of set off a pang of disappointment in his chest, but whatever. At least Alex had proved he was willing to get Thomas off. If Alexander came over more often, Thomas could boil away all the negatives until that one positive shined through: he had somebody to screw. That was what mattered, right?


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