Chapter 5: The one with awkwardness

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Alexander smiled and got off the bed, onto the floor. He helped Thomas take off his jeans and boxers. Alexander looked up at Thomas, almost asking, begging, for permission.

"Go ahead, honey," Thomas mumbled, too aroused to really bother acting harshly. His hand found the top of Alexander's head and he began to stroke the smaller man's dark hair.

Alexander smiled, and slowly allowed his tongue to circle the top of Thomas's dick, teasingly.

Thomas tilted his head back with a soft exhalation of breath, eyes slipping shut as he enjoyed the sensations. "So that mouth is good for more than talking after all..." he murmured. 

Alexander chuckled and, without warning, took all of Thomas in his mouth.

Thomas gasped and tensed hard in his core, trying not to double over. He had not been expecting that at all, and he cursed under his breath, yanking at Alexander's hair. 

Alexander moaned silently and began to suck harshly on the older man. Wanting to taste him so badly. His hands rested on Thomas's thighs.

Thomas started thoughtlessly thrusting up into Hamilton's mouth, still remaining gentle while doing so, however. "Damn it, Alex." He bit his lip hard, then continued. "You're--agh, awful good at this."

Alexander smiled at the praise and continued to suck harshly on Thomas. 

Thomas was getting close, and he knew it. He warned Alexander in a shaking, weak voice. He knew he was losing control of himself, and the situation, with alarming speed.

Alexander only continued to suck on Thomas. He wanted to taste Thomas since he first met him.

Thomas gasped sharply as he met his end, exploding into Alexander's mouth. His back arched. He saw stars, exploding in front of his gaze like fireworks on the fourth of July.

Alexander moaned loudly, swallowing all of Thomas as he came in his mouth. He licked his lips after he pulled off of the older man. Alexander layed down next to Thomas on the bed, panting loudly.

Thomas covered his face for a moment. Had he really done this? Had he really just given in to months of teasing and taunting and flirting, just to give in to temptation so easily? God, it was shameful.

Alexander frowned and cupped Thomas's cheek. "A-are you okay? Did you not like it!? You should have told me." He began to panic.

Thomas shook his head and uncovered his face. "No, don't feel bad. Just..." He looked over at Alexander, then busied himself in fixing his pants. "Don't tell James about this. Don't tell /anyone/ about this."

Alexander nodded frantically. "I won't tell anyone, Thomas." He promised.

"Good." Thomas took a deep breath and sat up. "I don't think either of us would be able to focus on our futures if we focused too hard on each other." Of course, he'd been focused pretty damn hard on this immigrant kid for a while now. 

Alexander nodded. "I....i know..." He looked straight into Thomas's eyes. "...w-why can't I touch your hair?"

"Because it costs more in maintenance than you'll ever make in your whole life, working the drive-through at Taco Bell," he snapped back, turning away from Alexander with a scowl. 

Alexander looked down. "O-oh... okay...." He was slightly hurt, but it didn't matter.

Thomas took a deep breath and grabbed his bag. "We...should probably get to work." For all his smartass comments and arguments in class, he really didn't want to disappoint Mr. Washington.

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