Chapter 2: The one in the car

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ˇThomas switched back into a grin and pulled out his car keys, pressing a button on the remote to unlock his car. Of course, the car that responded with a quiet beep was one of the nicest in the lot. It probably cost more than the five cars surrounding it, altogether.

Alexander's eyes widened at the sight of Thomas's car. "Woah," he whispered, walking closer to the car, and lightly touching the hood. "Th-this is your's?" Alexander asked. 

Thomas nodded, heading over to the driver's side. "Yeah. I got it over the summer." He grinned at Hamilton from the other side of the shiny foreign car. "In France." He really couldn't shut up about his summer in France, which had started out as an educational thing but had quickly turned into three months of hemorrhaging his dad's money to get whatever he wanted. Mainly the hearts of cute French boys and, more importantly, this car.

"Wow." Alexander smiled, still staring at the car before getting into the passenger's side of the door, closing it behind him. He smiled at the fact that he would be in the same, small, area as Thomas. His thoughts quickly flooded with Thomas. The way he looks, his attitude, everything about that boy was just, so, hot. Shit. Alexander slowly felt himself grow hard. He quickly placed his hands over his crotch, hoping to conceal it.

Thomas got in the car, sliding in on the creamy leather of the seat. "You can pick the music for the ride if you can figure out how to." He gestured to the screen in the dashboard of his car after pressing the push-button start. The screen lit up and displayed several options. 

Alexander nodded. He saw the options. He kept one hand on his crotch and moved his other hand to turn on some 'soft-rock' music for the ride. He then quickly placed his hand back on his crotch.

Thomas noticed the awkward position Hamilton held and it made him a little bit proud. Did he really have that effect on Alexander? Sure, he knew he often got blushy around him and took his advances well enough, but this was something different. As he pulled out of the school parking lot, he asked, "What are you doing over there? Spill something on yourself?"

"No!" Alexander said quickly, embarrassed about how fast he replied. "N-no..." He said softer. He shifted his legs to try to conceal his erection.

Thomas bit his lip and reached over to place his hand on Alexander's leg, getting one hell of a rush from putting himself in a position of power over Hamilton. He always did, even if it was just getting picked first by a teacher, or being class president as opposed to the vice president, which was basically the lowest position he could imagine himself in. Not counting being on his knees. He wondered if he'd end up there this afternoon.

Alexander's breath hitched slightly, yet he still didn't remove his hands from his crotch. The feeling of Thomas's warm hand on his jeans was amazing to him, which only made him harder. He quickly tapped his foot

Thomas drove like that for a minute, eyes on the road, hand moving slowly up and down Alexander's thigh. "You know, for such a loudmouth, you're awful quiet." Normally, that'd be bliss, but it bugged him right now. He wanted a reaction. Always. 

Alexander's breath became very deep, and fast. He stared at the hand on his leg, then back up at Thomas. "Wouldn't that be amazing for you? If I be quiet? And if you want a reaction, you're going to have to do more than that, Jefferson." Alexander teased. He turned back forward.

Thomas' jaw dropped as he was shocked temporarily into silence. Finally, as he rolled to a stop at a red light, he managed to breathe out, "My god..." before laughing. "Didn't think you'd even let me get this far."

Alexander breathed deeply. Why... why did he do that? "W-well.... yeah...It is not like I am going to stop you... You know how I feel about you. It is /you/ who decides to tease me about it all the time." He sighed.

Thomas' grin disappeared in an instant and he got sort of uncomfortable, pursing his lips and remaining quiet until the light turned green and he could turn onto the road his house was on. "Well, that's only because I didn't want to, I dunno, give you any ammo against me," he admitted. Spitting out those words was like coughing up glass. "Ya give me enough against you, though." He rolled his eyes and squeezed Alexander's thigh, right up near his crotch. "Might as well throw you a bone."

Alexander gasped slightly and sank into his seat, redness covering up his face. "Y-yeah.... wait... what can you use against me?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, I don't know..." Thomas began as the land surrounding the road rapidly became thickly wooded as they drove past. "The fact that you can't even sit next to me without jizzing in your pants. Or that ya let me grab your ass last week and didn't say a word about it." He grinned smugly after that.

Alexander sank in his seat further down. "Fine, fine, I get it.... still pissed off that you groped me though, Jefferson. You did it in school too. Literally, a teacher could have seen us, and.... and..." He didn't finish his sentence before that scene clouded his brain. He was indeed mad at Thomas for doing that, yet, it got him quite aroused.

"Oh, you liked it." Thomas rolled his eyes and stopped at a big iron gate. He pressed a button on the dash, and sure enough, the gate opened. "Damn, finally." It had taken forever to get his new car linked to the gate's remote opening feature. Thomas drove in, closing the gate behind them, and down the long, oak-lined drive to the lonely, domed mansion at the end. "And anyway, you didn't say no to a grab this time, either."

Alexander moved his hands to his face, covering it. "I-i.....I Just..." He looked out of the window. "Th-this is your house? W-woah."

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