Chapter 17: The one with playful talking

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The class was still silent, staring at the pair. Usually, class commenced with an argument between the two. Casual touching and big grins weren't exactly the norms.

Alexander groaned. "Can we just start class?" he asked Washington, at the front. 

Mr. Washington blinked away his surprise and straightened his tie. "Of...of course." He was just as shocked as the students, but hid that as he began to teach today's lesson.

Alexander sighed. Did he and Thomas really argue that much? He looked over to Thomas for a second, smiling weakly. "W-what did you tell Washington... when you were up there?" he whispered softly.

"That his biceps were huge," Thomas replied, holding back a bit of a smirk as he relaxed in his seat and listened to their teacher as he went over the basics of counter-points.

Alexander rolled his eyes. "I really don't advise trying to hook up with teachers, Thomas." he teased, sticking his tongue out at him

"Why not? It's always just a bunch of fun," Thomas shot back, wiggling his eyebrows in a playful way as he gestured with his head toward Washington.

"They are the authority! they can literally ruin your grades and chances at a good college!" Alexander gigged.

"Sure. Like I can't pay my way into any college. And your way, too, if I wanted," Thomas boasted. Washington cast a stern glare at them but didn't call them out for talking. 

"Well, at least I'm getting an education." Alexander chuckled. "What period do you have next? I've got gym, fun." he groaned, sarcasm dripping in his voice

"I've got 'I'm skipping my next class and going to hang out outside the gym window so I can watch you make a damn fool of yourself' class. Long title, I know, but when I saw it on my schedule, I got really excited."

Alexander playfully slapped Thomas's shoulder. "You fucking creep." he smiled.

"It's not creepy unless you make eye contact," Thomas replied, snickering. "So just focus on...whatever the hell you do in gym class, and it'll be all alright."

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine, whatever you say, creep." He teased, nudging Thomas's arm with his elbow.

"Quit it," Thomas said, swatting lightly at Alexander's elbow. He was tempted to make a handcuff joke, but Washington seemed pretty close to his breaking point as it was, and he really didn't want to push it. 

Alexander sighed, resting his head on his desk. "Fine, I get it," he replied, not looking forward to Washington.

"Oh, calm down..." Thomas cooed teasingly. "I'll make it up to you during lunch. If you'll meet me behind the school, I mean."

Alexander nodded, smiling softly. "Alright." he sighed, once again.

Thomas grinned to himself and pretended to focus on Mr. Washington's lesson. He knew everything on the board already, but whatever.

Alexander tuned out Washington and the rest of the class, his eyes focusing on Thomas. Everything about him. His hair, his facial structure, his body in general, all of it.

Thomas eventually did focus in on Washington, completely oblivious to Alexander's studying. He sat relaxed but attentive, back straight but shoulders sagging slightly. As always, his head was held high, chin just a fraction higher than it should've been. His hands were now folded almost daintily in his lap, and his expression held the same calm, indifferent sort of interest as a cat's. 

Alexander smiled at him. Memories came back to him from last night. All of it. How it started with sucking each other off and led to them actually doing /it/. Alexander giggled softly at the memories.

Thomas glanced over at him, then at the clock. Misery filled him. Was it really that long until class ended?

Alexander looked back forward, patiently waiting for class to end. He wanted to get out, hoping he could get out with Washington asking about the homework. He tapped his foot quickly.

Class passed by slowly, but it did pass by. Eventually, it ended. Thomas was the first out of his seat. 

Alexander quickly stood up, grabbing the notebook that he had with him, and set off. He wanted to get out of that classroom as fast as possible.

Thomas shouldered his bag and watched Alexander with an expression of amusement on his face. "Excited much?

"Shut up, I just don't want Washington to ask me about the homework." Alexander groaned. He quickly grabbed Thomas's hand. "Come on, let's just go." he began to lead Thomas out of the classroom.

Thomas laughed at Alexander as he let the smaller man lead him away. "Wow. Scared of Washington or something?"

"No, I just know that if he asks, I won't be able to lie," Alexander confessed, letting go of Thomas's hand once they reached the hall.

Thomas laughed still. "Oh, god. I'd love to see his face as you describe, in detail, just how good of a screw I am."

"Shut up!" Alexander chuckled, pushing Thomas softly. 

"I think you should go back in there and do it anyways. I dare you."

"No fucking way am I doing that." Alexander rolled his eyes and began to walk down the hall to gym. "If you're going to go to your 'I'm skipping my next class and going to hang out outside the gym window so I can watch you make a damn fool of yourself' class, I advise following me."

"I mean...I dunno. I might go back and tell Washington you had something important to tell him about your homework..."

Alexander quickly turned around and slapped his hand over Thomas's mouth. "Don't you dare, Thomas." He smirked.

Thomas pushed Alexander's hand away with very little difficulty. "What would you do if I did do that, huh? Deny me your ass or something?"

"Just... please don't...I'll... I'll let you do whatever you want to me if you don't tell him." Alexander offered

"I mean, that's a really nice offer and all, but we both know I'd do whatever I want to you anyway, so..." Thomas started backing toward the classroom again. Honestly, he just wanted to screw with Alexander. It was his favourite pastime.

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