Chapter 15: the one where they drive home

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"What time is it?" Alexander asked.

Thomas kind of deflated when Alexander didn't give the desired response, then muttered, "Seven fifteen."

"I should get back home. I am working on this essay thing," Alexander mumbled, standing up slowly.

"Fiiiiine." Thomas got up and went to get his car keys from the kitchen.

Alexander stood over by the door, waiting for Thomas, patiently. He didn't want to leave, but if he was going to follow his schedule, he had to get back to his apartment.

Thomas returned to Alexander and opened the door, heading out into the darkness, to the old carriage house where his car was parked.

Alexander quickly behind the older man, looking down to the ground the whole way. So much had happened in that house.

Thomas tried not to think about the past day and instead walked into the carriage house, unlocked his car, and got in the driver's seat.

Alexander hopped into the passenger side and did up his seatbelt. He sank into his seat, not saying a word.

Thomas was silent as the garage door went up and then they were off, driving down the seemingly endless driveway to the road.

"Th-thank you for having me over..." Alexander mumbled after a few seconds, smiling weakly to Thomas.

"Uh huh," Thomas replied, turning on to the main road. "Where do you live?"

"Daveed st. ... the apartment building on the left." Alexander shrugged. "It is quite far away from here... sadly.." he sighed.

"Ah, well. Feel free to fuck up my radio while trying to get us some music."

"I'm not going to 'fuck it up, Jefferson." Alexander groaned before looking at the radio for a moment, pressing a button that plays 'soft rock', like when then where last in the car.

"Fine, fine..." Thomas shook his head and switched lanes to avoid a slow driver. 

Alexander looked down at his lap. "W-why do you even tease me in the first place?"

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked, sort of distracted by the shitty drivers that populated this particular road.

"Why didn't you just ignore the fact that I like you? Why did you decide to start teasing me?"

"Because? I'm always horny and you looked easy?" Thomas didn't sound very serious. "No, really. I just...the way Laf talked about you. He made you sound so...brilliant, and I wanted a piece of that." He glanced over at him. "I can see he was wrong, though."

Alexander groaned. "Do you have to insult me every time we talk?" he whined, sinking farther into his seat.

"If I don't, honey, you might think you're my equal or something. Can't have that shit. Nope."

"Well, that is true. I am far poorer than you, anyway. Hell, I live in a fucking apartment in one of the poorest parts of town with a minimum wage job. And I get bullied and teased a school either by you or other fuckers. The only reason why I am even in America right now is because my little village in the Caribbean realized that I had a shit childhood, that my father left me, my mother died of the same sickness I had once, a hurricane destroyed my town, my brother died in that hurricane, and that I am good enough at writing to get sent up to New York. So yes, not equal to you. I fucking realize that." Alexander crossed his arms, sitting up straight in his seat.

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