Chapter 13: The one where he opens up

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Thomas downed another glass of wine at that time, not caring that he'd be driving Alexander home.

Alexander looked down to his lap, squirming slightly, wanting to gain some form of friction.

Thomas leaned back once more, eyes on Alexander. "Having fun over there?" he slurred, shifting in his seat. 

Alexander shrugged slightly, tapping his foot impatiently. "Maybe.."

Thomas scoffed and shook his head, reaching out to grab the wine bottle again just as Sally walked back in and snatched it from his hands. "You're driving tonight, aren't you, Thomas?" Thomas looked up at her with a dully shocked expression, one that turned to anger quickly. "Gimme that..." Sally shook her head and carried the wine into the kitchen.

Alexander rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't even be drinking at your age, Thomas." He smirked, tapping his foot faster 

Thomas almost didn't respond, being too angry at Sally to answer for a moment before he turned and snapped at Alexander, "Shut up, Alex. Just shut up."

Alexander squeaked softly, looking down to his lap. "T-Thomas?"

"Whaaaat?" Thomas groaned, going over to the cabinet against the wall only to find somebody had put a lock on it. "Fuck." He glanced back at Alexander. "How am I supposed to survive the rest of tonight..."

Alexander sighed. "W-were you thinking about doing something to me in the car?" he asked rather quickly.

"As if I'd tell you that now," Thomas grumbled, shaking his head as he sat back down. "We might not ever screw again since you seem so damn willing to get off by yourself." 

Alexander's eyes widened. " no no no no no! Please! I'm sorry!"

"I don't know, Hamilton. Maybe you can think of a way to make it up to me on the ride home."

Alexander nodded frantically. "O-okay.." he stuttered.

"One second." Thomas huffed and stormed into the kitchen, radiating frustration.

Alexander sighed. He waited a few seconds before, once again, slipping a hand into his own pants, stroking himself off again. He made sure to bit his lip as pleasure flooded into him.

In the kitchen, Thomas interrogated Sally, who said alcohol didn't befit a young man like him. This flattered his ego enough that he calmed down, but he did snatch the wine back before he returned to the table, muttering.

Alexander yelped when Thomas returned, quickly taking his hand out of his pants. "Where did you go?"

Thomas paused for a second, looking at Alexander before interest sparked back into his gaze. "What are you doing, Hamilton?" He grabbed his glass and headed to lean on the table, right next to Alexander, so he could watch him. "Show me what you were doing."

Alexander's breath quickened. "...I... I was...I wasn't d-doing anything!!" He lied quickly, squirming.

"Alex, I'm not gonna ask again," Thomas replied, pouring wine into his glass. "Show me."

Alexander sighed, slowly slipping his hand into his pants and stroking himself painfully slowly. "I.. was imagining it was you.. doing it to me..." he mumbled.

"Uh huh." Thomas sipped his wine, watching Alexander with a buzzed sort of interest. "God, you act like such a slut. You really do. I dunno if I believe you about the whole virgin bullshit."

"You were my first, Thomas!" Alexander whined. "I promise! And I am not a slut!!" He continued to stroke himself slowly.

Thomas reached out with a trembling hand and tantalizingly ran the backs of his fingertips against the sensitive skin of Alexander's neck. "Mmm...I know," he hummed, though whether to Alexander's admission that he had previously been a virgin or that he wasn't a slut. "Keep going..."

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