Chapter 36: The one with Sally/Thomas's story

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When Sally returned, Thomas told her Alexander needed a ride and she went to go get him.

Alexander held onto his phone tightly, as he walked over towards the office, waiting for Sally.

Sally reached the school in about fifteen minutes. 

Alexander didn't bother getting his bag, once again. He went out of the school when he saw Sally wave to him, and walked out.

"Hi, Alexander." She held out a Starbucks cup to him. "Thomas said you'd like black coffee. I hope he was right."

Alexander grinned. "I do! I love black coffee." he took the coffee, and had a couple sips.

"Good. Good. Come on." She got in her car, which was as beat up as one may expect. But the inside was obsessively clean.

Alexander got into the passenger seat and sat silently with Sally.

When they were both buckled, she headed toward the hospital. 

After a few minutes, Alexander chuckled. "I don't even know how you deal with Thomas."

"Because I knew him before he became...himself." She shrugged. "Back when he was the nerdy little munchkin with the impossible-to-control hair."

"Thomas was a nerd?" Alexander laughed. "Wow, what a twist."

"Yeah." She laughed a little. "He still has a chemistry set in his room. But he used to go digging in the backyard for fossils and trying to change a plant's growth through its seeds--or, something like that. He had a science club." She paused. "He and I were the only members, but it was still a club."

Alexander laughed, imagining little Thomas obsessing over science.

"Yeah. When his father died, he turned more to a political view, and with politics came a desire to look better and be more confident. That's the Thomas you know." She sighed. 

"The Thomas I know is the one who argues with me in debate class, treats everyone like shit, and.... yeah, who wants to look better than anyone else."

"Yeah, that's not who he always was. I think you might help him soften up, though." She glanced at Alexander, looking hopeful.

Alexander shrugged. "Hopefully..." he mumbled.

"I mean, he just seems better already, now that you two are together? Did he tell you about the counselling?" She seemed really excited about this.

Alexander nodded, weakly smiling. "Yeah... he told me. I think it is going to help him..."

"I agree. And I think you make him want to be a better person. Thank you for that."

Alexander grinned. "I-i do..." he whispered.

"He didn't even tell the nurse to eff off when she offered to help him in the bathroom. Can you believe that?"

Alexander's eyes widened. "Miracles are real." he laughed.

Sally laughed as she pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. "Amen."

Alexander gave her a wide grin. "Thank you for everything that you do, Sally."

She laughed a little as she parked. "Well, it's my job. But thank you."

"But still... You are amazing, Sally!"

She turned the car off, heat rising to her face. "Well, you're just too sweet, Alexander."

"No, you are!" Alexander only continued to grin as he unbuckled himself, and began to get out of the car.

Sally got out and straightened her shirt out before heading to the door. She kept slow until Alexander reached her side.

Alexander smiled at her as they walked into the hospital.

Sally smiled back and headed into the elevator. "I think he's excited to see you."

Alexander grinned and nodded. "I understand... I think so too."

"But don't tell him I said so. He'll work hard to remain a bit of a douche."

Alexander smirked. "Trust me, I know that is something he would do."

"Let's hope he's not medicated when we get to him," she said as the elevator opened. 

"I pray." Alexander smiled, walking into the elevator

She got in with him. "Whatever they're giving him, it's throwing him for a loop."

"Must be really strong, then."

"I'm sure it needs to be. He was really messed up."

Alexander chuckled. "I would give anything to see that."

"He talks about you a lot when he's medicated."

"What does he say?" he mumbled.

"Um...things I didn't need to know, mostly." She looked down at her shoes. "All good things, though. Don't worry."

Alexander nodded softly. "Okay...." he whispered, staying silent afterwards.

Sally went quiet too, hands folded in front of her. Once the elevator opened, she stepped off.

Alexander quickly followed, smiling weakly.

Sally walked to the hospital room. Inside, Thomas was not medicated.

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