Chapter 1 / Prologue "LOUIS !"

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My name is Anny Sillace.I have long,wavy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I'm almost 20 years old,I live in Doncaster and I moved there when I was 14.I live alone in a way too big house with way too many rooms for myself. My parents relinquished it to me when they moved back to Germany by the time I was 18. Since then I was left all alone in England, well almost.

I'm very plain,some would maybe even say uninteresting,but you might know my best friend. Everybody knows him, whether they do or don't want to.
His name is Louis.
Louis Tomlinson.

Yes, Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, that worldfamous boyband. For me he is like a brother and he has been my neighbour until he got famous, so we shared our teenager years.
I haven't seen him for a long time because I was studying (English and litterature) and he was on tour
visiting foreign countries, spending unique moments with his band members. And without me, his best friend.
But at the moment I've got semester break and I'm going to spend it with him and his four best friends and band members,Harry,Liam,Niall and Zayn.

I barely know them from the backstage area of the X-factor,but they do seem like nice guys.I even met Liam's and of course Louis' girlfriends as well. Eleanor and Danielle are such loveable persons !
During my semester break and their weeks off tour we'll stay at a beatiful house they ranted near a lake.We'll stay for two weeks. Without paparazzis, annyoing appointments or anybody interrupting us.

* * * * *

At 9 in the morning my alarm clock woke me up from my restless sleep. As soon as I realized what day it was, adrenaline started rushing through my veins. That day was teh day I was going to meet Louis again !
I got up and decided to wear one of my superhero tops - Batman to be precise -,a pair of beige pants and my black vans.I took a quick shower before putting on a little bit of makeup,so that it still looked very natural.I carried my previously packedn suitcases out of my room,down the stairs and put them into my trunk .Then I got into the car.

I almost couldn't drive,I was way too excited ! My hands were shaking like crazy and my heart was beating incredibly fast.What if the boys wouldn't want to spend time with me ? What if Louis forced them to do so ? Oh god,I was totally overthinking the situation.

- Arriving at the house -

"LOUIS !" I yelled as I ran up to him,jumped into his strong arms I've missed for so long and wrapped my legs around his waist.I was extremely excited to see him again.I hadn't seen him in moths."ANNY !" he screamed back,right into my ears.God,I was so happy to see him,even though my ears hurt because of his loud screaming.That was my crazy best friend !

After about 15 minutes I finally let go of him and said hello to the others.I hugged each of them awkwardly, Liam first ,then Zayn,then Niall,then Harry and afterwards we went inside.

The house was more than just amazing,it was PERFECT! The furniture was modest but looked really expencive,like from a designer.We were standing in the huge,almost complete white established livingroom.You could see the stairs to the first floor and the beautiful kitchen from where we were standing - immediate next to the entrance door made of glass.

"You like it?" Niall said with a very big grin on his cute face and in his beautiful irish accent.
"I LOVE it!" I replied.

Zayn showed me the rest of the house and where my room would be.An awesome lake was just 100 metres away from the house and there was a little garden with lovely flowers and a little bench made of wood. The landscape seemed pretty romantic over all.

My room was on the first floor.There were six almost identical rooms,each with an own bathroom connected to it.The walls of the corridor were painted in a beautiful,dark maroon tone and all the doors were made of white wood. My room was right between Harry's and Louis'. Liam's,Zayn's and Niall's were on the other side of the very long corridor.

It was only like 5pm but I was so tired that I just enterd my room and threw my suitcase on my bed. I searched for my PJ's and as soon as I found them, I changed into them and hopped onto the extremely big,red couch in the livingroom.It was big enough for all six of us to comfortably lay down on it and there was still a lot of space.All the boys followed and after about 30 minutes of watching boring TV shows, I didn't even manage to pay attention to what we were wathching ,I fell asleep...

The only thing that was a bit strange was,that I was leaning on Harry's shoulder. Which didn't bother me at all. It was very cozy and he scent freaking good,so who cares ?

----- This is my first fanfic,so if you read until here,please tell me what you think :) xx -----

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now