XVI. When You Out Yourself... Whoops!

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"Okay, looks like it's your turn," Sebastian said.

Matt looked up at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Please, Hunter's shove leaves a bruise."

Matt bit his lip. "About that... I told him that he was done for if he laid a finger on any of my friends. He asked if you didn't tell me, and said he had been 'done for' for a while now."

Sebastian's eyes widened. "I didn't– I–"

"How come you didn't tell me?" Matt asked brokenly.

"I don't know. I was afraid, I guess," Sebastian said softly.

There was a bit of silence, in which Matt wished he could hug Sebastian.

"Why were you so quick to stand up for Thad?" Sebastian asked, attempting to change the subject.

Matt's expression turned to one of suppressed anger. "What he did was so wrong. Of all the things to attack him on, he chose the only one where it got personal."

"But people have told Kurt he sounds like a girl before," Sebastian pointed out.

"That's different. Kurt's Kurt. Always has been, always will be."

Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows. "What does that mean?"

"Seriously?" Matt looked surprised. "Dude, Thad's trans."

Sebastian's eyes widened. "Trans? As in transgender?"

Matt nodded. "Yeah."

"How do you know?"

"Besides the voice? He has the manner, and he doesn't have the," Matt gestured between his legs, "that."

Sebastian shut his eyes, sighing. "Great image, Matt."

Matt laughed. "Sorry. I also saw one of his binder straps once."

"I can't believe I didn't notice. It's so obvious, when I think about it."

"No offense Sebastian, but you are the most clueless person I know."

"Wow, offense taken," Sebastian joked.

"No, seriously. You're completely unobservant. Like, you probably haven't even noticed that Wes and David are dating."

"They're what?"

Matt laughed. "My point exactly."

"But seriously, they're dating?"


Sebastian paused. "Am I missing anything about you?"

"Well, I have two older brothers. My parents really wanted a girl but stopped after me."


Matt shrugged. "Bit of a complication," he said vaguely. "My father doesn't particularly like me."

"But you're awesome."

Matt chuckled. "He doesn't see that. My brothers don't really like him because he doesn't like me. They're really protective."

"What are they doing?"

"My oldest brother is a doctor. The other is still in college, but he's going to work with CPS."

Sebastian bit his lip. "I sincerely hope that wasn't influenced by your father."

"I mean, sorta. Not because he was an unfit parent, but because he simply didn't care. I'd always tell my brothers that it was fine, that it could be worse, he could hit me or something, but they always said 'screw that, you deserve better.' Now Nathan wants to help the people that have a worse situation."

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