XCII. Thank God They Were Watching

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Sebastian and Wes were watching over the cameras, rather amused by their friends' families. Jeff's never seemed to stop talking. David's mother had been saying the same thing that kept making him blush, so they turned on the audio for a minute and realized she was saying (in a very thick southern accent) that she wanted to meet his boyfriend that he kept talking about.

It took Wes a while to de-redden.

Sebastian was keeping an especially close eye on Matt's family (and, yes, shamelessly checking out Matt) incase anything happened.

Thad's family seemed normal, although even without audio they could tell he and his brother were teasing each other the whole time.

"Wes, blow up that hallway in the top right," Sebastian said suddenly, clicking on the audio for it. Wes did so, a bit confused.

"you back talking me? Thought they'd teach you better at a prep school."

"Aaron, you can't."

"Hm? Try me."

"You- you can't."

"Give me one good reason why I don't give you what you deserve for being a fag."

"Cameras. There are cameras."

"Please, they never turn those on."

"No, Aaron, we turned them on. We found out in a survey in health that a lot of people in Dalton have abusive families, that's why we set this whole thing up. Please just do us both a favor and go home."

Sebastian clicked off the audio and shrank the image, pale.

"Mrs. Webster?" he called.


He tapped the screen where Nick was, clearly trying to calm himself down. "Nick's brother. Called him the f-slur and was going to hurt him but Nick told him about the cameras."

She frowned, nodding. "Something seemed off when I met with his family. I was wondering why they didn't know Jeff went to Dalton, or that he and Nick were dating... Looks like they're homophobic."

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