CXV. The Boy Needs Therapy, Not For You To Fuck With Him

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Kurt and Blaine were back about half an hour later, and the others quickly caught them up on what had happened.

When they all headed up to their dorms, Kurt and Blaine paused outside theirs, the front of it blocked.

"–is he, Blake?"

"He's not important, it's–"

"He seems pretty damn important! Incase you forget the time you just laid one on him!"

"That was a misunderstanding! He means nothing, he's just–"

"Means nothing? Does everyone you kiss mean nothing? Does that mean that I m–"

"I was trying to make you jealous! Just, I– I wanted to make you jealous."

"You wanted to make me jealous, so you and another guy kissed?"

"Well, I kissed him, technically. He didn't know about it."

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. He wasn't sure if he'd have a panic attack or jump Blake, but either one would be bad.

"He didn't know about it?"

"He's an asshole, he deserved it!"

"Really? So you'd be fine if someone did that to you? Because you seem like a bit of an asshole, Blake."

"That's not– it's freaking Hunter Clarington! Everyone hates him! Hell, he hates himself! I mean, have you seen his freaking a–"

"That's not an excuse!"

"Come on, he deserves to be fucked with, he–"

"Fuck off. Fuck off, just leave me alone."

"Sawyer, please–"

"I told you to fuck off, Blake. That means you shut up and leave."

Blake opened his mouth to speak again, closing it when he saw the look on Sawyer's face. Then he turned and left.

Sawyer sighed, leaning his head against the door. "Sorry about that. It shouldn't happen again." He turned and unlocked the door, leaving it open for them. They realized he knew they were there.

"If you need someone to knock the smirk off his face I'd be more than happy to oblige," Kurt muttered, looking rather murderous.

He chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."

Blaine was rather curious. Had Sawyer seen Hunter's what? He cut him off before he could say anything.

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