CXXXIII. Are They... Friends?

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Kurt didn't let himself be deterred by the rather violent way his last encounter with Hunter went. He needed to talk to him, to make sure he's okay.

He had been wandering the school for a while, looking for any trace of him, when he was interrupted.

"Trying to find someone?"

He turned around, seeing a boy he vaguely recognized. "Do I know you? I feel like–"

"Stop looking for him."

"What?" Kurt asked.

He sighed. "Hunter. Stop looking for him."

Kurt moved towards him. "Do you know where he is?"

"I know that you don't, and that's the point. I don't know what your twisted game is, but he left Sebastian and Thad alone a long time ago."

"No, it's not that, I'm worried about him. Blake said–"

"Blake," he said coldly, "doesn't know what he's talking about."

"I one hundred percent agree," Kurt said, "but he said something about Hunter's arms and after his paper in health class I'm worried about him. He saved my life, I owe him one."

"Yeah, you can repay him by leaving him alone."

Kurt sighed desperately. "Please, just tell me he's okay."

"He's not okay but he's getting there. He has me, someone he can trust. He doesn't need someone like you around. Besides, what would you do? Bring him into your little posse? I doubt that'd be very beneficial for Sebastian or him."

"What do you mean?"

He sighed. "You, Sebastian, all of you are a reminder of his past. He doesn't need that around right now. So leave him alone."

Kurt nodded. "I never thought of that. Just– can you do something for me?"

"Can I, yes. Will I, maybe."

"Keep me updated on him. Just make sure he's okay for me, alright? I owe him my life, and I guess that makes me care about him a lot."

He paused. "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that."

"Wait," Kurt said as he turned to leave. "What's your name? Because I swear we've met."

"Eliah. I'm friends with Sawyer, you've probably just seen me around before." He started to leave, pausing. "And before you ask, yes, it is a girl's name."

"I wasn't going to ask," Kurt said.

"But you were wondering," he called back over his shoulder.

Kurt chuckled. "Touché."

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